More than one S.O.B. in Baltimore
Looks like the civil lawsuit against the Baltimore cop who has anger management issues when it comes to skateboarders (and RC car enthusiasts…) has been tossed out of court again. I thought the damages they were seeking were ridiculous, but I still think this guy doesn’t serve or protect the best interests of the citizens of Baltimore, even though he has been back on the job for several months.
– Thanks to Doc Murdock for the tip.
What a d-bag. So much for justice…
Glad I don’t live in Baltimore!
I spoke with Eric and it doesn
There is a public concrete skatepark in B-more. Carroll Park. Eric should join up with the other’s advocating for something we already have.
Unfortunately, did anyone really think that officer psycho-dude would face any consequences for his pathetic cowardly behavior? And the baltimore PD considers this clown qualified to carry a gun? Scary indeed.
This guy is going to end up really hurting someone.
He got fired