Milking it, Trifecta style
In case you missed it, it’s Skreech at the Trifecta, skating a deck with the nose broken off. I’m not sure how you do that. In any case, don’t feel bad for him, he’s got his own model out on Addikt now. Enlarge-o-rama.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 2nd, 2009
Categories: Skate
Tags: Oregon, Oregon Trifecta, Pier Park, Portland, Skreech
In case you missed it, it’s Skreech at the Trifecta, skating a deck with the nose broken off. I’m not sure how you do that. In any case, don’t feel bad for him, he’s got his own model out on Addikt now. Enlarge-o-rama.
did you notice his trucks were barely dangling on . he made it look so easy and had the balls of a giant rhino.
I’ve ridden boards with barely any nose,mostly in the 80s, when boards had SHAPES.
Sometimes barely any tail as well. Those of us with low money would ride a deck to splinters.
I also had a set of Trackers with a missing bolt hole, because the baseplate was plastic, and I got frustrated one day with a rusted bolt, and just ripped it out, like a dumbass.
It took me awhile to get used to doublekick boards because I felt like I was riding in reverse, and for quite awhile I felt like the kick nose was creating wind drag.
But enough digression, I saw Skreech’s barnstorming at Pier Park on the web, entertaining, and great skating…even if it was unsanctioned.
Is Skreech into Tony Clifton?
I hear there is an assistant manager position waiting for him at Stereo King for him when the “royalty” checks stop coming in.
He loves Tony! haha