Megaramp hijinks
Even at 120 FPS, I’m still not sure what happened here, but Bob Burnquist is not bailing. Check it out after the jump.
– Thanks to Neal Hendrix for the tip, via Facebook.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 30th, 2009
Categories: Extreme!!!, Skate
Tags: Bob Burnquist, MegaRamp
Even at 120 FPS, I’m still not sure what happened here, but Bob Burnquist is not bailing. Check it out after the jump.
– Thanks to Neal Hendrix for the tip, via Facebook.
Wow !!
Looks like he messed up on the flip for whatever he was going for, but then said to himself, “Fuck that, this is still happening.”
its called the hot potato
Bob’s health insurance ran out just before that trick………..so he went for it.
Reminds me of Jeff Jones.
jeff jones……like from the tracker add where he’s bustin through the mountains with a method?