He’s baaaaaack.
Daddy Yo chipped in with this patent for the omnidirectional toy manipulator. In his own words:
Here is the patent application for that skateboard doll. Looks like they plan on embrassing alot of different sports. What? No rollerblades?
Hey, pretty good. Pretty good. Maybe I should reinstate Daddy Yo. Thoughts everyone? He’s got a patent of his own that is pending, but that’s for a different post, possibly. Anyway, my favorite is the bull rider, actually.
I dunno, if you re-instated DADDY YO that might mean less opportunity for (myself) others to embarrass themselves here….what does Enemy Combatant think of this?
Oh fuck no- that guy is a tool.
since it’s the internet, and I can type things I’m too big a wussie to say, I say “give him a probationary period”. I’d kinda like to see the patent anyways.
fuck that dude
Take away the right to say “fuck” and you take away the right to say “fuck the government.” Lenny Bruce
he’s outlived his uselessness