Changing our direction
We’re changing our direction to all BMX, all the time! And it’s not even April 1st. Spotted in the wild at Toy-R-Us. Enlarge-o-rama. Bonus reader pic after the jump.
Thanks to Sarib Khalsa for this shot. Apparently he got hassled by a Toys-R-Us employee fro taking it.
Every night before dinner you can see a demonstration of Tony Hawk bmx bikes at the harrisburg park..
Makes sense… Most of the names for BMX tricks come from Skate boarding. They’d rather ride their bikes in skateboard parks despite the ability to ride on almost any kind of surface, they add pegs so they can ‘grind’, they remove their brakes for ‘danger’. Skatings not for everyone… I bet these Tony Hawk bikes will be a big hit.
Good luck with ‘Bike and Annoy’
The other day a BMX kid asked me if we could do disasters on skateboards.
It’s time to let out a dark dirty secret: summer of ’90 I spent a month “teaching” at Woodward (no wait, that’s not the dirty part). Two weeks in I jacked my knees pretty well and couldn’t really bend them too much anymore. I spent the next two weeks riding a borrowed BMX bike on a 5′ mini…It kept my cardio up, gave me my daily dose of fear, and irritated the hell out of some of the bike staff cause I learned to turn both ways my first day.Half of them had to alley-oop airs if they wanted to go the other way on the ramp.They also didn’t like hearing that disasters are easy on bikes.
Or seeing that you don’t have to pedal…20 years ago you’d see a LOT of pedaling
ok, I like Tony Hawk but this is pushing it…How much money does he need?
“The other day a BMX kid asked me if we could do disasters on skateboards”
I would have had to kill him or at least lay into him in some sort psychopathic rant but that is just me. I do not really see the point of doing “disasters” on bikes.
This is really OLD news…
Oh ph. We’ve disturbed fanboy!
Haro made skateboards. More power to Hawk… Milk it for all it’s worth. After seeing Hawk clothing @ WalMart I knew there was more room to fall – now I see the bottom.
Haro also made knee pads that would fall apart and gouge your knee open with their stupid rivets…maybe Tony’s bikes will do something similar
The Birdman has to sell something with his name on it so it might as well be bikes. It’s not like he’s selling any of his nerdhouse decks to anyone.