
Aumsville Drop In

Contests are back at Aumsville, Oregon, thanks to Ravage Skateboards and the rest of the sponsors of the “Don’t Drop Out, Drop In” contest. Thanks to everyone who entered or helped out. Thanks to Mike Estes for the photos and for heckling me for not being at the event we sponsored. We were out of town, not lazy! more of Estes pics, a few from Carl Warren and video from Crust Productions after the jump.

Here’s the wrap up as told by Jordan from Ravage:

Oh wow! So contest was a success today even after we thought we were going to be rained out! The skies cleared just enough for a fleet of cleaners like Aaron Lui to jump in and hand dry the entire park! Thanks guys a ton for doing that! You all know who you are! We had a great turn out for the first contest to be allowed back in Aumsville in over 4 years! Hooray! The city had us on lock down with rules but all the sponsors and volunteers did a great job of policing everyone and making sure nothing got vandalized and that all rules were followed. This means we’ll probably be able to do more events there in the future! Having Mike Estes MCing for us was a real treat and he worked the mic like a true pro. Big thanks to Mike for doing that for us and really making the event run in an organized fashion.

We had three divisions; Under 14, Women’s, and 15 and up. So without further hesitation here are the official results

Under 14

1st – Alex Rodriguez
2nd – Shane McBride
3rd – Ben Campbell


1st – Keri Reichard
2nd – Shalako Lee
3rd – Jesse Haungs

15 and Up

1st – Kenny Lagnla
2nd – Gabe Stoltz
3rd – Jamie Jacobson

Mike Estes chips in with some photos and commentary:

Munition Sports Clothing was the main supporter…….behind Ravage Skateboards.

The judges.

Big Gabe

Jordan from Ravage.

Saw this board in the parking lot- very interesting deck. 

Brian Stansfield

Our beloved Carl Warren…..

Brian Stansfield with a sick BS Smith

Mason NS Grinding Aumsville

Here’s a shot from Carl Warren. Joesf Heffner with the nose grind. I wonder if that shirt helped or hurt him.

Hey, he wore the shirt, that’s worth another shot.

More shots from Carl:

Video from Crust Productions.


17 thoughts on “Aumsville Drop In

  1. Nice picks warren. Good times and great skating.
    Actually pick marked “Mason” is not mason at all but one of the kids in the under 14 . He has the front feeble in the deep corner opener in the video.
    Thanx Kilwag for postin up the video.
    This weekend, Corvallis BBQ and fund raiser.

  2. Actually, I came over the hip switch into a switch frontside 5-0.not quite a nose grind 😉

  3. Crust is right, it’s actually Brendon Garcia with the black beanie on.

  4. nweyesk8 -did you notice I got your transfer into the deep ?

  5. yeah, but that is an easy transfer, Jamie’s backside from the other direction was way sicker.

  6. That transfer is in there aswell. All though it was shot from the middle I still managed to get it.

  7. I have watched the video, I got to see a lot that I missed while either watching someone else or while I was skating. The jam format has a lot of pros and cons, but given the nature of skateboarding, as far as being a competitive thing, I think it is the best format too.

  8. Judged events are tough- thats why I like racing against the clock- it don’t lie.

  9. agreed on the jam format . Also one of the hardest to film. lol

  10. I like the fact that the jam format can be kinda random, but I don’t take contests too serious, if I place i’m stoked, if I don’t, i’m not bummed, because I had fun anyhow. thanks again to savage skateboards for putting it together, I hope it happens again next year.

  11. Stoked! Folks hanging out, skating and having a good time.

  12. Estes – lets go setup gates in the bone zone ! LOL 🙂 and well get Chad V involved.

  13. I heard ‘Fudgie’ was in jail in LA, is that true?

  14. Nope , I spoke with him last week . Well that was before he went to alice cooper concert. Ill see him on Halloween when I take mini shred to disneyland. You know fudgy is married , right?

  15. I had no idea. He’s one of those ‘Where are they now” type kids.

  16. if you got facebook you can find him in my friends list

  17. I don’t have a ‘My-Face-Space-Book’……..hate that stuff, S&A is all I need!

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