Trifecta Lincoln City update – still not happening
Just spoke to Mark Scott. Lincoln City is definitely not happening. Changes to the event permit rules would have required several months advanced notice plus insurance. The event is not happening this year not at the park and not at Red’s. Red is not able to host a big crowd. DO NOT SHOW UP AT HIS HOUSE. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
Mark said he would get on it next year and help Choppy get everything done in time.
I heard Red will have hands full of poop to throw at intruders.
All Red has to do is wear his outfit from the Protec to keep people away.
I just got back from west linn.
The parks and recs guy knows nothing
About a contest tommorow, and says he would know if there was one.
What the hell are you on about, K.C.? West Linn hasn’t been part of the Trifecta since 2006. Put down the bong, man.
The qualifier is being held at West Lynn today. Supposedly.
there will be epic music @ Plan B Saturday night. get sum
I sent a “contact” to the oregontrifecta.com website about the qualifiers cause there’s no information anywhere about this… and no response! who’s answering that email? Choppy?
Are the wheels really going to fall off the wagon this year? Lincoln City vaporized. Quailifiers in question. What’s next? Prize winners not getting paid? Wait a minute, that’s how it is every year. I guess it’s business as usual.
Last year the winners got paid way more than usual.
there is an update at the top of the tri-fecta web page saying that lincoln city is canceled and also claiming that the qualifiers are still going on today at west linn.
Go back to Arizona Orezona.
I think the Oregon heat is getting to you.
Orezona has probably never takin a rip of that Oregon home grown
Go back to Arizona,Orezona.
The Oregon heat has turned you in to a Daddy Yo!
I wonder if anyone’s checked on permits for Tigard and Portland? They probably take “several months” to secure as well.
This is off topic so my apoly-oly’s but I got a homie comming frm AZ to bend, Or for a weekend and Im trying to meet him for a rare opportunity to session. What Iv’e found in the way of skateparks in that area are sparce.
What Ive found in the way of Bars in that area, are again, slim pickins. So maybe some one can help me with one of these two endeavors. Does bend have a park? Thrasher parks guide sez yes,kind of a crappy one, and CD sez not really, just an indoor ramp at the “truck stop”. Can any of you Oregonians help? Limited time so not trying to stray from Bend too far.
Redmond has an early Dreamland park. It’s about 15 minutes North of Bend on highway 97.
I saw that, I wasn’t sure how far it was from Bend, but I suppose it’s my best bet. Thanks for the help, you’re alright,Oregon.
There is also another Dreamland park in Madras, Oregon 42.5 miles back toward Portland.
Jake- I live in Bend and here are your best bets….the only outdoor park in Bend is Ponderosa and it sucks. Options…. Redmond- 15 min north, Madras- 40 min north, Klamath Falls- 2 hr 15 min south. K Falls is a day trip but worth it. Bars- depends on what you want. Taverns….M & J on Greenwood, Westside Tav on Galveston, the D downtown, JC’s downtown. Pubs- McMenamins, Deschutes, Cascade, all close or in downtown. Lots of other yuppie ass joints too. Good luck.
I would recommend Deschutes Brewing based on the pure quality of the product. My 2 cents.
Rich, Excellent recommendation. Get there early tho. Not much space….
well pardon me! I stand corrected, red-faced, etc.
Sorry that I didn’t check the website before spouting off, KC. I lived in Oregon for 25 years before I moved here, so I like to keep up on what’s going on. Especially since I have several friends riding in the Trifecta this year (and years past). Learning of LC’s cancellation really sucks. I was looking forward to seeing how everybody was going to handle the new snakerun…
However, that was a low blow to call me DaddyYo. My e-ego is bruised after that one. The snark Will made about the “homegrown” is pretty rich as well. And by rich I mean wildly presumptuous.
Fuck! Thanks Rich and Chaperone, thats some helpful shit, I owe u niccuh’s a brew.
Redmond and Deschutes, sounds easy.
Really, thanks for all the input here, there are no stupid answers.
Except for MC. Holy Mother of Christ what a stupid fucking answer. Really, stick to the cartoons. Madras.
You asshole.
Im kidding MC. Seriously, thanks.
skate hard,retards.
That’s it. I’m pulling the comic.
Love the graphic. Might look like rain at LC anyway. It’s been a lot of good years with no rain. !
I guess people like to assume all kinds of things.
Seriously if anybody local wants to step up and organize a bigger better 3 day event contest with more money etc. I’d like to see it I think it would be a big challenge.
I helped a local 3 day contest out last year in Seattle but it was 3 diff weekends in July Tour de 206-66 that was a major mission with no permits etc.
If anyone is up to setting up something world cup status, step up, Otherwise don’t find out how much work it is & / or keep crying. Whaaah.
All about skating anyway. Really
SICK graphic, u have a talent for good ones!
Insert propaganda here!!
Oh & MC the cartoons are sick + good funny content in them that makes it hella fresh. Good work
im just giving you a hard time, i’m sure the weed in Arizona is somewhat decent…
Willjones, it’s all about the setup, not the climate right? I lived in Alaska for 12 years…
Nah, all weed in AZ is from Canada or CA(exlcuding mexi-shwag) and no matter how good it is, its always 2nd hand dry.And then you get stoned,and then you walk outside and its all over.The heat pretty much ruins everything good, skating,smoking, sex..drinking is all you can do really. Lived in AZ for 10 yrs and its only virtue is the college girls, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Mc, if you stop doing the comics again I will have nothing left and resort to walking into an LA fitness with a duffel bag full of guns and a passport to hell.
An event Planner & Coordinator would really help the producer to have it together though!! Ya Know its called delegation. Pay a planner its worth it.
Word JM..and I nominate …Pinchy!