Oregon Trifecta – More Tigard shots
So I heard another kid broke an arm at Tigard. His name is Kieth Baldassere, and that’s him above. I missed that whole exchange. Check out page two of Tigard photos. I tried to mix them up some, so there will be new faces on page two.
That Flarda homeboy, though quite the charger, is a bit fragile. Apparently someone’s dad accidentally broke his wrist or arm not so long ago, just by greeting him with a fist bump.
Is that the kid that holds the “Ollie” world record?
Nice lien-to.
I was there that night, the dad was fricken wasted and pounded his hand so hard it woulda broke anyones hand. he skated the next day at grindfor life and i heard he didnt even go to the hospital for a few days?