The $320 skateboard bearing set
Ahh… Facebook ads. Check out the selection of skateboard bearings at VBX.com, prices range from $5 a set to $320 a set if you buy the fully ceramic ones, and I mean fully ceramic, right down to the casing. Of course for slightly more than $350 you can get 100 sets of “ABEC 7” Bearings. Buyer beware. Rockin’ Ron, were are you?
The company is legit. I’ve been riding these bearings for over a year now.
Fast and cheap. Just remember to remove one of the two shields off each bearing.
If you buy them from their ebay store front you can even get them cheaper, i think 4 bucks a set shipped. Bones reds retail for 14+ a set.
Ebay feedback count of 63,933! That is a lot of bearings. Though who knows how many of them were skate bearings.
I wonder if ceramics really make any difference.
They are the real deal. Wholesale prices on high quality bearings. I’m sure those 320 dollar one are aircraft grade. I bought a replacement bearing from them, and decided to go all out and buy a ceramic one from Ebay. It was at my door in a couple days. Well built, too.
Fuck Yes!
Some of you should really take an interest is skateboard technology. It is relatively common knowledge that VBX produces many of your very own favorite name-branded bearings.
GMN or nothin’ baby… I wonder if you can still get those?
The answer is yes, LINK
does anyone know the difference is between the new bones reds and ceramics as opposed to the original? in the ceramic case, the new ones are cheaper. im still diggin my rockets tho…ron needs to get off his arse and start selling bearings again…
GMN had an awesome ad back in Big Brother #3, the “how to kill yourself issue”. Just read that issue today.
Bones for life. Reds are mid grades and best for the $$. I read how they test bones in comps and how different it is from the abec system. Fuck the abec system-its testing is based off industrial machinary and heat withstanding, very little to do with performance for skateboarding use. They have a great website LP, read up.
I think it goes from high to lowest grade: Super swiss(6),Swiss Bones, Red Dragons, Mini logos’ being the cheapest. skate hard, retard.
jake, i already know the abec system is bullshit and has no effect on low RPM objects like skate bearings. I know that a manufacturer can stamp abec 7 or abec 5 or solid gold on a shield and sell the same bearing for different prices. I like bones but rockets are equal if not better for less of a price. i have a set of ceramics and steels and theyre awesome. i also have a set of reds and theyre not bad either. i clean them often and im quite good at it. i was asking what the diff is between the new line and the older lines. i will atempt to read up on it at bonesbearings.com.
..and maybe the principles of physics have changed overnight on me or I just dont know anything about ceramics but dont seem very durable. Like, how much weight or pressure can something thats used to bowls and ashtrays,possibly sustain?
ok, I read up and apparently the super reds and ceramics are a step up from the china reds. higher quality components and of course ceramic or steel balls. they are probably still made in China though, not Switzerland like the more costly counterparts. And they come with spacers which is nice. ALL rockets come with spacers incidentally.
“thats used to bowls”-meant used to MAKE bowls & ashtrays. oh, im no good at typing on my computer machine.
dude, you’re a fast reader LP, bet you think you’re the cats pajamas with all that literacy huh? well i have you know i just finished reading the hardy boys secret cave,which grandma says is the biggest book in the house. so, deal with that.
really jake, i just read thomas the train with my oldest son, thats as literate as i get. at least there’s lots of purty pictures…
thanks LP now i have nothing to live for…competitive bastard.
im not competitive, just stupid.
Jakeandannoy… To answer your question about ceramic: the big advantage of ceramics is that they are able to withstand higher temperature and velocity, and are less likely to develop inconsistencies on the surface than steel bearings. Also they are often self lubricating too.
In regards to the strength… exotic car manufacturers (ie. Ferrari/Lamborghini/etc.) often use ceramic components in things like clutch plates and engine heads to better deal with the heat. From what I’ve heard, there is a potential risk that these components can shatter rather than dent. For a skateboard bearing, though, it is the best that you can get.
Thank you Heath, but when you use words above the 4th grade level it seems you are talking down to us.(me)
But because of my uncanny skills for comprehension(sounded out:com-pree-injun), I understood what you were saying. Ceramic bearings are faster than Ferrari’s. And with such a bold statement, im going to research this until i die happy(fall asleep on the couch).
I have steel Rockets from “Rockin Ron.” I don’t really nerd out about bearings but they are definitely fast as shit compared to regular stuff. It’s not a placebo effect.
I wonder whether ceramics would really make a noticeable difference. Maybe for downhill guys.
Hey aaron, “the industry” you speak of consists of unnecessary middle men ripping us off by rebranding pre-existing industrial products and jacking up the price. Who cares if they die?
The 608 bearing existed LONG before skate wheel manufacturers (east coast plastics firms) started molding wheels to hold them
Those full ceramics appear to be full zirc. oxide, which isn’t a very good ball material. And while SiNitride theoretically IS, there’s SiN and there’s SiN. In fact, given the 3 different ways of producing it, I’ve read it shouldn’t even be regarded as all the same material. On the plus side, all three are going to be significantly lighter than steel and thus somewhat easier to get rolling. But buyer beware when it comes to strength and hardness/deformation; you probably do “get what you pay for” when it comes to expensive or less expensive SiN, long as they’re all from conscienscious bearing pushers. And of course differences in bearing induced speed are nowhere near as great as those in wheel induced speed anyway. I wish Bones made a “Hubba” type large SPF wheel, though, so you could have the acceleration of a lighter wheel with the top speed of a large wheel. Then again, sometimes is better to keep it slow enough that you’re not afraid to do pranks.
hey skaterhusseindave, there’s a new form of humor you are apparently unaware of known as “sarcasm.” you may want to do some research on this hot new trend.
Urrrr, thanks, I’m kinda dense usually..
That VBX place got hammered by Rockin’ Ron here