Skate the Lake (Cunningham)
Friend of the site Weirdo Skateboards is also one of the sponsors of a contest series at Lake Cunningham skate park. More info at sjparks.org, or check the flier after the jump. I hear that Cab is a regular there. Sure would be a bummer to have to skate against him, huh?
Please join WEIRDO at the Lake Cunningham Skate-Park in San Jose CA, this weekend
[Saturday & Sunday – July 18 & 19] for the second leg of the Skate The Lake Summer Contest Series Event.
Both days start at 9:30am for check in
Contest begins around 10:30am
Saturday will feature age classes:
8yrs. and Under
9-12 yrs.
13-18 yrs.
Sunday will feature age classes:
18 yrs. and Up
Only $4.00 to enter + lots of great prizes, including a few WEIRDO Custom Completes built by me !
If contests aren’t your thing, the rest of the park is open to to ride as well, and it is HUGE ! If you haven’t been there yet, don’t worry there is tons of room…
WEIRDO will also be offering lots of “Weirdo Menu Specials” on all skate merchandise that is below our already great Web Pricing at Weirdoskateboards.com
If you can make it please come by the Weirdo Booth and say Hello, it would be wonderful to see you there.
Best Wishes and Have a Killer Summer,
Tom Augusta
Skater – Owner – Head Weirdo