Portable NCP/Six Stair
Portable FIlm Festival is showcasing some Buddy Nichols & Rick Charnoski shorts. Six Stair is going to be the new name for what used to be known as NCP FIlms, but what the heck is Portable Film Festival?
The Portable Film Festival is a daily online film channel. We profile one great new release each day, every day of the year, plus hunt, tag and collect random great web-based films spotted by Portable Film Festival curators. This is the Portable Film Festival’s serious commitment to international screen culture and to broadcasting and distribution models outside of traditional old media channels. Through our site, quality international releases will find audiences online, every day, all year round.
So.. It’s a web site with films. Check out the Six Stair showcase from the reigning kings of capturing skateboarding on film, the 18 frame per second kind. If you are in Australia, you can catch the premier of Deathbowl to Downtown at the Melbourne Film Festival in August.
That guy on crutches (Day 1) is amazing. Very creative and cool.