Lets get daffy
Bugs bunny used always call everyone a “maroon” in those old Looney Tunes cartoons. It might be an intentional mispronunciation of moron, and less likely to be the other definition, a loud signaling firework, or the descendants of escaped slaves living in a certain part of the West Indies. So, speaking of Bugs, what about Daffy? Along with handstands, the daffy is one of the last remaining truly “old school” tricks to make a comeback. High jumps, excuse me hippie jumps came back, so why not the daffy? I guess there are v-sits and catamarans still out there too. I found this this photo on Skate Curiosidade, a site in a language that I can’t decipher, but I’m going to guess Portuguese? In the enlargement you can see the skatepark above appears to bee in a very tropical location, more so than southern California. Who knows? Plenty of daffy, handstand, and even barrel jumping action at Skate Curiosidade.
I love that trick. My fellow Cretins hate it. But they were quite surprised when they saw Bill Danforth ride by doing it while in DaVille. That makes me more gnar right?
As soon as there is video of some kid in skinny jeans doing a “double manual” firecracker down some stairs it will be back.
kids call them “yeah right manuals” since koston did one in “yeah right” and it even is a goal in one of the THPS games.
Brazil, that is………..
Looks like Tomoco Moonforrest in Florida