DAKINE Tiki Tour
I drive by a lot with some shiny new side dump trucks on a fairly regular basis. I’ve always thought they would make a good photo op for some tight mini ramp-style action, in fact I was just telling that to MC a few days ago on the way back from buying some concrete for his decks. Iw as checking out the Dakine Tiki Tour video, and low and behold, there’s Brent Atchley riding one of those trucks. Check out the Dakine Tiki Tour video in it’s glorious postage stamp size. Seriously, what is this, 1998? I’ve seen watches with bigger displays. Give us some more pixels Dakine!
yeah the video window on the site is small, but if you click on Ipod or MP4 download versions to the right and download the video, it plays in either itunes or quicktime formats, cleaner and bigger!
Is there a trick called a dump truck?