Celebrity Buzz at NikeSB
There’s a teaser up for an upcoming Paul Rodriguez video at Nike SB. There are a couple of celebrity cameos. I enjoyed seeing Lance Mountain as one of the cops. Ice Cube makes and appearance too. It seems Paul Rodriguez is blowing up (even more). Boston.com says he’s “ramping up” his exposure. They’ve got a short interview with Paul that’s informal and somewhat interesting.
Here’s another frame.
they showed this during almost every commercial break during the nbc maloof coverage
Lance is a class act all the way. Sure would love to see that guy along with the likes of Blender, Losi and Nolder shredding in the Trifecta.
Can a remake of TV’s “AKA Pablo” be far away staring Paul Rodriguez Jr.? Lance could be the wacky gringo neighbor who juxtaposes white middle class american mores against P. Rod’s salt of the earth chicano wisdom. A show that says, “Hey, deep down inside we’re all the same!” 8:00 eastern, 7:00 central right after the Golden Girls on NBC!
FanBoy fail!! I saw that commercial ALOT recently and never noticed Lance! I’m lame…
are we there yet part 4?
Rich, That line-up would be sick but there’s no way on Earth Blender would skate in a contest. He was one of the first to give them up around 88′-’89 or so. I think the Vancouver Skate Ranch mini contest was his last. He’s way more into music, art and motorcycles these days. He’s in a new group with Lance doing trad jazz.
boo be do scoo wop dop do!
I saw a different version with Kobe Bryant in it as well.
cool ad,fresh.
fanboy fail 2 for none of ya’ll recognizing the other cop.
Brad Dorfman?
Lance is Awesome!