Tickets to TWS Awards courtesy of Gnarled
If you are going to be in Hollywood on June 12th, here’s your chance to win two tickets to the 11th Annual TransWorld SKATEboarding Awards, courtesy of the online skateshop called Gnarled. Let’s get this straight, we’re not sending you to Hollwood. Instead, Gnarled.com will send you two tickets to get in the door. All you have to do is leave a comment in this post about how much you love TransWorld SKATEboarding, and the funniest one will win. Contest ends at midnight, Pacific time on June 5th. Winner will be chosen by… my wife.
Let me know when your giving away tickets to TransWorld Motocross Awards, i would be down for that….
I love TWS so much that when I win the tickets and put them on ebay there will be no minimum bid.
Skateboarding is stoopit. And might I add how beautiful and lovely your wife is…
i love tws so much that i read it to my virtual ryan sheckler. he’s just so dreamy, they should change the name to “that winner sheckles”
semper fi skate or die.
I love TWS so much that I can’t wait for it to become an online only mag with all the dirty words removed for my safety.
fuck awards and thrasher
Either we don’t have any readers in LA, (Which google analytics tells me is untrue) or our readers somehow don’t care about the TWS awards. Go figure.
If TransWorld is always printed as a single word, leaving the magazine titled Transworld Skateboarding, why is it abbreviated TWS? If you say it is because the ‘w’ in Transworld tends to be capitalized then why isn’t it TWSKATE, since they capitalize the entire word skate in the title?
I just emailed you to get a mailing address.
troy, if/once they sell, let us know what they went for (hopefully more than the cost of postage
Yo. Troy Im gonna be in LA tomorrow and if you have those tix id be willing to pay you 40 bucks for them if you live in the area. Cashedout@cox.net. asap thanks…
Uh…I just got the tickets today. Not sure how I’d get them down to LA from PDX in time for the show…DOH! Check ebay if still interested. NO MINIMUM BID!
Yeah! get some!
damn im driving in to la from vegas in the morning. i would have bid but there is no way to get the tix to la tomorrow before the awards start. if anyone else has any hit me up. if not ill have to weasel my way in some how.