Bad Brains – Rootz Beer
When they aren’t busy trying to get me to advertise, the folks at Punk Radio Cast have teamed up with extreme sports friends Jones Soda to release some limited edition labels in a variety pack. They “collaborated” with five artists, including the Bad Brains, and four other bands you don’t care about. Considering the potential, it’s a weak execution.
Agreed. They could have done something a lot more interesting instead of squishing the art work into the dimensions they needed. Mask that shit!
What does H.R. phoning it in taste like?
Half smoked joint and beer breath………
I saw a show in ’84 where H.R. LITERALLY phoned it in for about five hours and then showed up at 3 A.M. to a still packed CBGB’s and blew up. I have no doubt he had an agreement with CB’s to string the crowd along to sell more drinks (the sound guy kept saying things like “we’ve located him uptown”). To their credit, though, the rest of the band was there all night, waiting to perform, and the set turned out amazing (and I wasn’t even drunk).
babylon shitstem is the vampire