Organic skate stoppers
Here’s a couple photos from the camera phone of Jason Schomaker. It’s a 100% naturally occurring, totally organic skate stopper, and it’s not what you think. Find out what it is after the jump.
Port Orford skate harassment from Mother Nature.
Somebody give him a skateboard so he can get funky with it…
Man, That Stinks
the law of unexpected consequences strikes again. so what happened? animal control probably got a noseful…
he pushes stinkfoot…
cool bowl
Public or private?
Is the Jason the man they refer to as “Chewy”?
yeah, that thing looks fun
I believe that is the new addition to Port Orford. I can’t wait for Coos Bay to open soon. Had a blast testing it out in January. I hope Jason starts building new parks soon.
Nope, That’s not P.O. I could tell you where that bowl is but then I would have to kill you.
They had that problem with the new New Smyrna Beach park pool, only with racoons, and they have this fire hose laying by the side of the pool, and supposedly one end of it is put down in the pool everyone night at closing, so the coons can get out.
So what’s happening at the PO park?
P.O. has some additions as of february. Sorry I don’t have any photo’s to post but it is pretty cool
Nice. What type of stuff?
I found some photo’s they are up on earthpatrol. http://earthpatrol.ning.com/profile/TristenReasor
egbert, that would be Shoey , not Chewy,
I would help the kitty out of the bowl