I can’t make this stuff up.
Tarantula Trucks. Errrr… A solution in search of a problem or pure genius? Better make up you mind before you buy, because these babies will set you back $115 a set. On the off chance these guys aren’t around in a year, I’ve archived some images after the jump. I’d actually like to try these things out, just, you know, not in front of anyone. I salute you Tarantula Trucks, for the sheer audacity of conceiving and actually producing this product.
What he said.
That is just a truck flipped upside down with a new hanger meaning that all your weight is on the kingpins… Death in the making I tell you.
grind that!!!!
right now all im trying to do is figure out the point of these. like what exactly would this do.. doesnt seem like it would really increase the turning radius any better than some good bushings and risers would do
I don’t know, guys. He looks pretty serious. His rocket-scientist business partner that took the photos undoubtedly towed him there on a fixed-gear bike. This is cutting-edge stuff that a closed-minded skater on traditional trucks could never comprehend.
Being one of those… one of the many things that I can’t comprehend about these is the first shot where he’s apparently cranking a rad turn. Problem is, the “trucks” don’t appear to be turning much, if at all. They, and the wheels, seem to still be going straight, while the board looks like it’s scraping on the pavement, presumably initiating maximum turning radius. There’s a toe-side shot on their site that looks pretty much the same way. Intriguing! Screw wind-power. This is the kind of good old American ingenuity that will get our economy going again.
“A solution looking for a problem.” One of my favorite expressions of all time…
I don’t think you even need your bottom bushing with these…and someone should tell them about Shorty’s
Wait! darkslide grinds
ok, i’ll bite, how do you grind with these trucks?
A skateboard truck you can’t mall-grab? They just lost over half of their Concrete Wave contingent.
it looks like you can do “mall grab airs” with that thing. No smith or five-O grinds though.
the mounting hardware isn’t long enough
I told you that upside-down mounting hardware was coming back.
this is ridiculous. that can’t be true 115….
Tarantula Trucks
Now that is what I call thinking outside of the bun.
My first thought too was to see what happens when you “grind”, would be some kind of weird board slide. How would you even do it though if you cant stand over the back truck? Carve out of it?
I think the best use of these things might on those dirt boards with the fat wheels – more ground clearance.
$115 though!? Must be crazy.
can’t be real…
dude’s wrinkled forehead makes me think it’s not working too good
he could put an axle wheel to wheel, that would make a cool carrying handle too
looking at the website tells me the “problem” they are trying to slove is speed wobbels. and what Mac points out about how they don’t look like they are turning, tells me the problem is solved. no turning, no speed wobbles!
I like your idea Marvin, but if it were my goofy company I’d make one wide wheel for each truck. and I’d bend the tarantula legs at an angle where they could double as sky hooks
I’m online at a coffee shop right now and I’m trying to keep myself from bursting out with laughter with these comments.
I met this guy at ASR and saw it firsthand. He was a cool guy, but it sure did look funky. He was really into it and believed in it totally. Never rode it, so I can’t put it down, but I wished I remembered how he explained to me what it was supposed to do.
simply add pukka shell necklace and sublime on the ipod for instant 2009 longbrah to add to the hit list.
I got it, you don’t actually have to push the board to get going, you just carve the board back and forth, it’s minimal turning will translate into a variation on the tic-tac, propelling you forward without pushing. In lay terms, he has created a perpetual motion machine…….;)
The guy who makes these told me:
“They are designed to be different, but do offer an easier ride, they lower the board and give the ride a different feel. It feels much more like riding a snowboard or wakeboard as opposed to a longboard skateboard”
“The trucks are designed for longboards and more for transportation than bombing hills. I do a lot of hard riding with these trucks, I have bombed big hills but I am not going to win any races on them or set any records with them.”
The weird angles are there to keep the hanger from flexing too much. He said they have a slight almost unnoticeable flex.
” I worked with an aerospace engineering student who helped me develope these trucks. They are designed to hold 300 pounds each, the
I need to get Grover to dress up in a spider costume and ride a setup with these trucks down MT. Tabor., but at $115, that’s an expensive GVK episode. I’m going to have to deny that budget expense.
maybe you can work a deal, trade him some cold war ‘long boards’ for a set
let’s have a new story already, these things are getting more attention than they deserve
how about pointing the axles inward for something different?
A while back, it seems that Kilwag asked for contributers. because he has a life or something. so Marvin, what’s your story?
curtis – kilwag got too cool for sleestak, now he’s highlighting this crap
Bobcat, more like too busy. And I’ve always highlighted this stuff.
You stubborn heathen bastards need to open your minds to Jesus Christ, Danny Bearer and Tarantula Trucks before its too late! Trust me, life will look a lot better, when you do.
crap yes, but the story is not over till we hear from Danny. cos these trucks are trashing skatings image. not only do they take away grinding, and ollie based manuvers, but almost all of the 60’s tricks are impossible on this board. even for just transportation, it’s nice to have a tail so you can kick you board into your hand before you enter the store.
it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
i would like to try to ride this, its a new sleek design and who knows u might get a good turn radius, i think sum of u are forgetting what longboardings all about, not to grind on things or try to do cool trick, its all about the joy of ridin jest floating down the road with the warm sun and the gental breez, one of the best feelings in the world. as for the trucks bravo on creating sumthin new, i look forword in seeing how they handle, sign me up
The only thing that I really like about these trucks is the wheel clearance and how you could if you wanted to, you could put really large wheels on there that could exceed more than 100 mm
Hi, I don’t have facebook account, do you guys have a phone number, I am interested in buying a few sets…