Concussion Lives!
We reported on the rumor a couple months ago, but the possibility has become a reality. Concussion Magazine is back on the newsstands. Regular photo contributors Brendan Kline and Brooks Fritz have in effect taken over the publication of Concussion. Davoud and Jonathan are still there in an advisory capacity, or as “training wheels” as they say, for a couple issues. I didn’t know what to expect when I opened the envelope. I half expected it to have a new masthead. Issue #41 looks the same and different from Concussion (Classic). The first thing you might notice are few seemingly out of context color ad spreads, which appear to be one time only deals and are dutifully explained in Davoud’s editorial. I thought I detected an extra dash of artsy-fartsy in the new layout/content as well, but it may have been my subconscious talking. All in all, it’s great to see it still going, and I imagine quite a surreal experience for Davoud and Jonathan. Davoud succinctly summed it up: “…but I am no Kevin Thatcher and Brendan and Brooks are no Jake Phelps. Thanks God.” Good luck guys!
Full Pipes rule!
too bad the tequila ads feel through…i wish brendan and brooks the best though!
Concussion is a sick magazine. Glad it is still going.
the best mag around.