SOTW 4-20-09: Andy Goncher in Atlanta GA
This week’s Shot of the Week is a Jeffery Beard shot of Andy Goncher taken in Atlanta, Georgia in March of this year. That’s right, streetskating you mofos! Fakie to kickflip. Kickflip to fakie. Check out the Shot of the Week.
Looks like a kickflip to fakie, not fakie flip. Damn non skater owned websites..
Oops, kickflip to fakie you’re right. You’re so right that maybe you should start your own “skater owned” web site.
So that Carl could manage a Web site he would have to stop skateboarding.
Time to lean, time to clean.
That lakai logo always gets me, at first glance I think: “Airwalk mid 80’s logo?”
there’s something really strange about this photo. it looks like there are two flashes. one from the front. one from more above that are causing some strange effects. i dunno, the shadows around the arms look suspicious. i’m not saying it’s fake, but the whole thing has a video game quality aesthetic that i find somewhat unsettling.
Yeah, kind of an outline on the hat and top of the board. Too much unsharp masking perhaps?
I think it’s just an overcast day at sunset with some sunlight peaking through and an extra flash or two. The levels are clean.
It was like Kilwag said, overcasting day near the end of daylight. This little drainage ditch was pretty fun to skate. Nice chill fun day.