Los Super Juniors in Mexico
I found this Mexican comic book, Los Super Juniors over at Weirdo Toys. And speaking of Mexican skateboarding, check out this video from Steven Bailey found at the Mercava Skateboards. It’s got spots from different states in Mexico, including the one where tipster John Aguilar learned to skate tranny when he was a Super Junior. It’s a super rough looking the banked ditch/half pipe thing in Mexico city behind the Corona beer brewery. Look for it at about 2:38 into the vid.
2023 Update: Follow me down a rabbit hole while I try to track down Mexican comic books.
This is the old poster image for this post, the original videos and Mercava Skateboards company have disappeared, but that’s what led me to discover Los Super-Juniors, so I’ll leave the reference for posterity.

Moving on to Los Super Juniors Edicion Especial! I thought it might be a publisher’s imprint, but the image is too small to make out what it says in the upper right corner. The watermark in the bottom right redirects to another site that looks like it’s gone through a complete rebranding and mission overhaul’ primarily focusing on Movies and TV shows based on comic books. CBR.com no longer has any images of Los Super-Juniors.

This is the back cover of the comic book.

The Weirdo Toys post does not provide any text or context, just images, but it looks like this might have been the Mexican edition of Super Jr’s Holiday Special. A search for that issue turned up this Australian version thanks to the Digestcast Podcast #9. The North American cover doesn’t feature any skateboarding on the cover.

Classifying this comic book is kind of tricky. The Super Juniors was requested by Kenner Toys and is the absolute worst thing you could imagine, basically toddler versions of the DC superheroes. They technically didn’t have their own book, with their only appearance outside of a DC Style guide being #58 of The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest, published in 1985. However, the Australian and Mexican editions would suggest otherwise. Thank you Wikipedia. One weird thing about these non-North American editions is the decidedly Donald Trump looking superman kid with blonde hair. Gross.
The Australian pages were colored differently than the US version, so likely they used the same interior for the Mexican edition. If that is the case, there are no other skateboard illustrations or stories in this issue. Here’s another version of The Isle of Forgotten Toys from the Australian comic book site Collector’s Edge.

Why is Robin a chubby lil mexican girl who looks more like Thelma from Scooby Doo?
I noticed that myself. Good question.
and is that Richie Rich playing the part of Superman…fuckin spoiled rich kids
and is the flash wearing makeup, does his name imply a far seedier side we never saw in America?
I think the Mexicans just call it as they see it