Hoverboard Holly
Here’s a hoverboard shot from a Photoshop contest for “Coolest toy ever” on Worth 1000. I thought it might be one of mine at first, but it turned out to be an EPM shot of Holly Lyons from Rich’s 2007 Trifecta Lincoln City coverage. Rich’s pics have been getting poached by the Photoshoppers lately, and even though it must be somewhat annoying, this is a pretty funny end result.
– Thanks to Sheltered Productions for the tip.
Wait, what!? That’s fake!??
Happy 4/20 everyone! Celebrate safely.
one of Rich’s shots of Tim Eberly is in the new Transworld as part of the Windell’s ad, they did give him credit for it.
credit and money! Wow. I’m jealous. I’ve never had a shot published in Transworld.
Don’t put your photos on the internets then, or learn to block Robots.
Problem solved.
Don’t show anyone your photos and they won’t get poached! good advice. I think in most cases, people would be happy with asking permission and a link in the credits.
In a perfect world, that would be great. Just like if someone is driving past you and flashes their lights to warn you a cop is up ahead. Or when someone opens up a door and holds it for a woman. Or having friends at a snake session….. It just doesn’t happen anymore. Courtesy and Chivalry are lying in the corner like a fish without water.
You won’t find anything on google for my shit.
I thought you had to show a before and after and cite your sources at Worth1000. Maybe I’m wrong.
were did u get that does it really hover
Hi! I