Chingaucousy Skatepark – Brampton, Ontario
This is a shot of an amazing looking collection of concrete at Chingaucousy Skatepark in Brampton, Ontario, as designed and constructed by Spectrum Sk8parks. Soak it all in, then watch some video after the jump.
I love the way this park looks, but something about those rails sticks out like a sore thumb. Maybe it’s the paint job or the design, but they seem to be the one element that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the design.
If you’re hungry for more, there’s video of a Planb B demo at Skatersinc.com, and of course more pictures at Spectrum.
Fallen Demo – Chingaucousy Skatepark – Brampton, Ontario
that is a really cool looking park! I don’t want to be all negative, but I hate to see all that dirt or “beauty bark” in the little niches. it just ends up being a mess made by the less experienced kickflippers, to be cleaned up. the rails seem cool, they just look unusual. the whole park is unusual in a good way.
I just assumed they would plant grass where that dirt was, if it’s just loose filler, that’s not good.
Kickflip backside noseblunt… silence? Weird crowd for a demo.
without watching the videos, how are those little race tracks usable without being “brimmed” or tilted to generate speed? I’m only noticing this since when i got there i plan to get towed in…
Firstly, Kilwag, I can’t beleive you just did a segment about my local park – I teach skate camps there. Yeah, it’s a phenominal street plaza, and the Fallen demo was brilliant. Colin, those race tracks, which is a new name to chalk up, are so difficult st skate – you need the loosest trucks in history or you’ll get pitched if you go fast at all.
They would be really cool if they were banked.
They are slightly banked. Look closely.
Brandon, missed your comment, obviously. I ride loose trucks, looks workable to me, but obviously you would know better having actually experienced it first hand. Dude, quit raining on my parade.
Haha, sorry Kilwag. Perhaps I should rephrase – The pretzel is actually workable, providing you’re not a Brampton street skater, most of whom rock ghetto gowns and teenager-tight royal trucks.
Curtis wrote: but I hate to see all that dirt or
yea, big lava rock! you have to water grass and that would not be too cool for that gap. Brandon check out a photo of that tear shaped manual pad at Ed Benidict in Portland. large stones would fit the look of your plaza.