But the shark bites are brutal
Don’t worry, these guys didn’t send me anything, I’ve always been a fan of the Slasher graphic. I’m pretty sure that some smaller companies have already done the sword shaped skateboard, but for Santa Cruz it seems like an obvious choice. I’m actually more surprised that this board doesn’t have Keith Meek’s name on it instead of Emmanuel Guzman, especially considering the Meekster’s still active in their lineup. Speaking of the lineup, Monthly eBay favorite Jason Jesse’s Neptune board had been reissued.
Santa Cruz have lost their damned minds. And don’t even get me started on the Jessee and Natas reissues. “Super limited to a once only pressing of 500 pieces in white”. Then a month later they do a run in black. Whores. And just so as you are thoroughly confused, the Jessee’s are a run of signed sharktails, that will be followed by a run of mermaid tails that might or might not be signed. It’s money grubbing madness.
Weird, it’s almost like they’re a business…
WINNER: aaron!
A remarkably savvy and cutthroat business at that. Richard Novak – the N in NHS – has always been all about the $$$.
Not at all. Biting the hand that feeds you is no way to run a business. I will never buy another NHS deck again, and I know a lot of others that feel the same way because we were deliberately misled by the misinformation coming out of NHS. If they say a deck is limited, then keep it limited. If they knew they were issuing a black Natas, why not say that up front so people could make their choice of colors? And you buy the black today. What happens when they issue it in red next month? It’s pure bullshit. The collector market is small but fickle, and when they turn they turn fast.
Bottom line, I’m not upset at NHS for making the reissues, I just wish they’d be more upfront about what “limited” really means and I wish they would stop overcharging for decks.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! i really like the fact that santa cruz sticks it to the skateboard speculator market.
and the collector market is so fickle because most collectors are total sheep.
Board collecting is over-rated anyway. Just collect
the Pro’s signatures, it’s way cooler!
Bailgun, I’m not sure what happened to you, but you sure a bitter bastard. Did Slob ban you or something? Did he hurt your feelings? aaah.
Possibly the greatest rants ever. Keep’em coming.
limited pressing in white then they’ll do black…. who gives a f#ck.
Dont get the black one then.
As i recall back in the day thats how they did it.
Og neptune has the shark on the tail right?
neptune 2 has the mermaid on the tail.?
so they’re doing the 1 and 2?
sick i’ll get both of em and skate the sh!t out of em.
want some cheese and crackers to go along with that wine?
Hey, skateboards color schemes is not an issue to be taken lightly. This is important stuff here.
I don’t have problem with a higher price, it would nice if they were regular price, but they are limited issue so why not. They ought to be more up front about their plans for very similar models if they have them. These boards are specifically marketed towards people who care about board colors and such, it’s not as if they (SC) are unaware of that.
On the other hand, I also enjoy the fact that a big company like NHS can and does release novelty skateboards like the sword board and Creature’s plastic coffin board. they are after all, kid’s toys. It’s nice to be reminded of that.
Collectorkiller–you won’t get both because all of the 1st ones have sold out already and the 2nd ones are being presold now and might be already. Plus why drop $120 on a rider? That makes no sense.
Seriously this site is getting beyond ridiculous. You can’t make a comment on here or have an opinion without keyboard toughguys coming on and getting all pissy and confrontational. What is it about the internet that makes you think that is acceptable behavior? You wouldn’t say shit like this face to face so what makes it OK here? It’s fucking bizarre.
i totally love that collectors get fucked with. just saying and i wouldnt hesitate just a second to say it to anyones face. unless they are much bigger and angry of course. whooo, angry collectors, whoooooo….