The roof works, even when it’s dry.
Yeah, sorry. I just like looking at this place and imagining that I only lived a couple minutes away. Mike Estes sent in a couple more pics of the roof at Hood River. It seems like it went up overnight. I wonder how the covering fit together. Hey Carl Warren, where are the construction shots?
Yeah Carl- where’s the construction shots?
Hood River…you’re tits up!
Dude must’ve forgot to put on some deo.
construction shots?? what are those!!! are you crazy lol
does anyone know what’s up with that federal fine the builders suposedly got? did they break aesthetic codes of the national scenic area or something?
I heard they killed a ‘Spotted Owl’ but it was just Jake Phelps stench.
you should send me that other photo of me being on my ass.
cause it was totally epic and all artsy-like.
Funny you bring that up “Maculay Caulkin’ as it was rejected by S&A for being too (ask Kilwag wrote me) “Emo’.
Yeah sick pic of my boy lion. Dude is hesh-to-death.
The roof also looks really nice along with the rest of the park. I cant wait till i come up next week and shred the shit out of it.