Matt’s Bowl BBQ
Road Trip! Matt Klein is throwing a party as a fundraiser for the expansion of his backyard skate oasis. We rode through there nine months ago on a skate trip. Matt is a great guy and the bowl is rad! I can’t wait check out his new additions. coincidentally there are a couple of new skateparks open down that way – Myrtle Creek and Winston. More BBQ details after the jump.
Party starts at 1:30 Saturday March 28, 2009
Matt’s Bowl
932 NE 12th Street
Grants Pass, Oregon
541 244 0635
The forecast is for 72°, damn that sounds good especially once they tap that keg of PBR. I need to remember my camp chair.
sick! I gave him a couple a bucks. I could give him some more even though I am on unemployment. I am in sf skateboarding and hanging out with some of my friends, now i have a reason to come back to shitty rural oregon
I.E. douglas county
Dang! We are heading to Walla Walla this weekend. Say hey to Larry Martin for me.
damn I need a ride back to oregon from sf. well it sounds like fun. See ya at winston or duh creek when i get back.
Sounds fun. I got room for 2 if anyone wants to carpool from Portland.
You can email me at scumskates@me.com