Making the Seen
Skateboarder Magazine. has a slide show from the opening of the Seen of Change photography show in Portland. If you haven’t checked out the show you should get over there before it’s gone. Artery also has shots from the opening. It’s in frames, so you need to hit the main site and click on the Opening Photos link at top.
looks like a good turn out, lots of pros.. good shit,
but chet childres rides for nike and they are corporate scum that will soon be making people instead of shoes. well im gonna go skate san jose (with my nike kicks of course), i might die. i heard its huge
I got five bucks to anyone who can show me a picture of T.A. smiling.
is there a shoe company that isn’t a corporation? I love my Adidas, besides Chet is cool as hell, good for him for getting Nike to pay him to skate. Now if we could get Nike to put a fraction as much money into an Oregon Mega destination park as they have put into the UO sports programs, Mr. Knight would be my hero:) come on Nike open those deep pockets and build something for everybody, not just the already rich college kids who play meathead sports…..
FUCK Tony Alva…..people act like frontside airs would never have existed without him, he just happened to champion the claim that he did them first, big fucking deal, I have seen so many skaters push that trick with way more style than T.A. could ever muster….
If you spent five minutes with the ncaa athletes at OSU or UO you would realize that even the ones playing football are poor. The kids get room and board, health insurance and tuition. They have severe limits on how much money they can earn during a year.
that must be why OSU was able to connive the state and the alumni to foot 80 million for a new stadium to play ‘fooseball’ in…how many non-sports students could have gotten a necessary education for the cost of a football stadium?
The Art is great. The food was amazing,it was fun seeing the turnout and people we don’t run into to much.
Wally and I don’t get out much and this was definitely worth going to.
Bryce did a wonderful job. Thank you!!
Bryce, Wally is a flake I really want to buy that photo Grant has, any help with that would be appreciated. Peace, Kathryn
The food was amazing… i just wish i pumped a few more of those little sammy’s… I was pretty hammered by the end of the night, thanks to Richs’ stash of PBR’s!
Shoe companies.. who cares. Nike gave 20k to Pier Park, Vans is owned be the same company that makes Lee Jeans (or is it Wrangler?) Who cares…they’re all made overseas anyway.
Ryan Heckler – Go ahead and hate all you want. The truth of the matter is, I heard that TA and Christian were going to be in town for a Vans store opening at Lloyd Center so I called them up and invited them both to the group show that unfortunately shared the same time slot. Christian said he was going to stay home in So Cal for the Clash at Clairemont event and Tony wasn’t sure he could wrap up his commitment to the Vans store appearance in 3 hours.
I was doubtful that they would/could make it. But, Guess what? They did. Why? Not because they had to, but because those guys are down for skateboarding and the people involved young and old – not just for some paycheck.
It’s easy to sit behind a computer and talk shit on TA or anyone else for that matter. I highly doubt that you have the balls (that your keyboard does) to discredit him to his face. But, perhaps before you get the urge to do so, consider the hunk of junk that he skated on those first frontside airs. What the fuck have you done?
Thanks for being a roller blader. Ha!
I talked to Tony briefly after the show. He was gracious and friendly. When asked if he was skating much, he said he was mostly surfing, but when he did skate it was more relaxing because he was doing it just to have fun and it wasn’t about the ego trip of trying to be the best guy out there. It was refreshing to hear that from him. He seemed so far from caricature he is often portrayed as or may have been at one point in his life.
I once met an old timer in florida who claimed to have done the Lien air in the late 70’s before it came to be called that. I have no reason to disbelieve him. At some point it doesn’t matter who “invented” a trick.
FS air with style? Yeah lots of people do it with style, but the fs air in question, the TA variety -tuck knee, no ollie, early grab- well i think it’s safe to say that TA had that pretty fuckin well down. Whether he invented it or not, who cares? I saw him do this in 1978 at the Mad Dog Bowl in London. That was a very deep sketchy pool and he was killin it…
Before I ever saw it anywhere, I “invented” slob fastplants. When it showed up in a mag several months later I excitedly showed my dad and told him I’d already done it, and maybe we could write the magazine to get credit for the innovation. He fully burst my bubble by informing me of the delay between writing, shooting, and actually publishing…I’d probably done it after the guy in the mag. I also am claiming credit for the layback varial, headbanger to fakie,crippled hippo, princess leia, and that silly drop-in…I don’t care who believes me and dude in Florida doesn’t either I bet.
Nike gave 75K to the Pier Park effort. I think the total ended up being about 330K.
I can still remember the first time I saw TA skate – a backyard pool – I can still picture him backside kickturning. So rad, full-on compressed narrow-truck axle pivot on top of the coping. It makes up for all the other hype and bullshit.
That Brittain photo of Gonz doing the boneless was sweet. I remember that photo from when I was a kid. I wish I had $300 that I could’ve spent on the print.
Now I really wish I’d gone to the show.
Conahan told me about it while I was in line at Lloyd Center, and I found Artery, but it seemed so packed that I opted to go skating in Vancouver instead….was sorta “done with crowds” for the day after waiting in that long line.
that is rad that Nike gave money to Pier Park
Go PHUCKin skate! Your youth is gone PHUCKERS. It’s time to get your rectol examined, look at the gray hairs on your balls, turn your head and cough while another man touches your BALLS. I wonder if ….
Nice one Propenus. Your random comment has nothin to do with the issue at all. I think you’re on the wrong page pal… Go wise up.
I guess the youths are tech savy enough to text in messages to blogs from their phones as they approach the rail.
hey solboy, and what the fuck has your rant to do with portland artshow? arguing of old men if some other old guy was or wasnt cool (and fuck yeah, TA was rad) seems pretty RETARDED to me. on the other hand, propenis thinks you guys are GAY therefore i found his comment very relevant.
Seriously children… take a deep breath and count to 10 before you type in your reply.
Marek, you’re off the team.
that bumps up your teams age average back to 68…
Ha, ha, ha. Right on Marek. 68 year old geezer shrivel sack skaters. Nothing like the smooth hairless sack of the under 30 skater. Shave your pubes old dudes, you will ollie higher.
I left no rant, just a fair comment.
Joke; How many ollie hoppers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only 1, but it takes a couple of hundred attempts…
How many old schoolers does it take change a lightbulb?
Only 1, but he’ll tell you the old one was better.
Lighten up people…
hey i just gave 100 dollars back to nike to recoup their pier park donation. yes, practically every shoe is made overseas thats why its funny we have so much pride in buying usa decks (myself included).
TA is cool. I have a mental picture of him smiling. I saw him roll in to Culver City and towards the 6 stair at the entrance, he must have thought it was a bank because he tried to roll down it and ate CRAP. It was funny and I laughed. Later I was skating and fell and ended up sliding head first into his feet. Karmic payback, he was laughing at me.
Ballboy you wise up, because it’s the only thing you can get up. Unless you light up. That’s something else you migth get up. You might also be one who likes getting something up his back door. I don’t care it’s all up from here. Upitty people. Get UP!
Haw! Good lightbulb joke.
how can you tell when a skateboarder just got dumped by his girlfriend?
he’s homeless.
Great Art show, wish I would of known about it sooner, got there after the food & beer but heard that was great too. Always glad to see skateboarders coming together & doing something doing something other than bloggin.. that was awsome those guys got to make it and get a little more Portland experience! Good Job.
Oh yeah Jake I think the joke goes, ” What is an artist without a girlfriend? Homeless”.. lol