Jason Dill on Sheckler, skate blogs
I bought the April 2009 issue of Transworld so I could check out the Black Label “Skate and Annoy” advert. I was reading a pretty interesting interview with Jason Dill. One question asked if he felt weird about being on the same footwear team as Sheckler, and how could he possibly relate. Dill’s reply was a thoughtful one:
What label are Flaming Lips on? Warner Brothers? Who else is on Warner Brothers?
I thought that was a particularly mature way to look at the situation. Less articulate was his response to how he feels about skateboarding web sites:
Yeah, it’s great for the kids, but we are adults here, we know what’s going on… …that’s cool people shit with their fucking blogs and nightly updates on bullshit. That’s my new shit. Keep me off you blog or I’ll knock you out. I’ve made it known to the bloggers that I am not down…
Fuck you dude. You’re on my blog.
Way to get blog coverage!
Who is Jason Dill? Never heard of him.
I guess if he was in the blogs I’d know who he was.
nice socks
Jason Dill can hardly call himself an adult. His classy mindless responses say it all. Go back to sleeping on Jack Osbourne’s floor.
His interview was a lot more “mindful” than most in Transworld. Dill is, at least, an indiviual with his own opinion. Great skateboarder also.
Jason Dill? Who is this? Looks like he does pretty high jumps, though. Good for him.
Are you guys kidding? Go watch AWS “Photosynthesis.” That’s who Jason Dill is.
I was kidding, but I did go check him out on an AWS vid, and you are absolutely right. He’s very, very good.
I’m a fan of his Skullett. No joke, the last man before Dill who wore that and looked cool was Hulk Holgan. I dig his comparison of himself to the Flaming Lips and Sheckler to the WB. Old School meets no School. RESPECT. Until I saw him hanging out with Jack Osbourn.
I thought he meant are you going to compare everyone on the same record label to that one shitty/lame band that’s also on the same label or are you going to look at the bands individually and look past who’s paying them and who they’re playing with. Maybe?
“hey i’m going to put myself on TV and in the public spotlight then chastise people for talking about me”
smooth-move ex-lax
Ahhh publicity. you want it, until you got it..
Good answers though.
Blogs unlike government are not the problem, its the people on them ? !!
Blogs don’t talk shit, people do..
Especially anonymous people.
nothing to see if your not paying attention
dude’s got skills, but nice mullet mohawk, so Combat Rock, wait that was 1982 (or so)
When I’m making pancakes, do I add Egg?
I’m amazed he could even find his shoes to even ‘go skate!’ period. What a mess he’s been lately.
“who’s jason dill?”
anyone that said “whos jason dill?” stf up