In the cross hairs at Target
From the Skatebook.tv, NHS Skateboarding is not Crime skateboards spotted at Target, complete with a sticker pack that includes little Timmy’s First Thrasher Sticker™ OK class, your homework for the day: A five hundred word essay to define the word “core.”
– Thanks to Joshua Willis for the tip.
yeah and Nike gets in trouble for selling skate shoes at core skateshops. 😉
are the stickers made in china too? “crime brand” sounds core to me
i hope skateboarding goes gay again like in the 80s. I miss it.
Here’s look into the 2025 Pro Skater interview in TWS “yeah, my first deck I got was from Target (’cause I was getting the Shaun White Collection for back to school) so my mom bought me a NHS, Santa Cruz ‘Skateboarding Is A Crime” model to fit in with all the snowboarders at my public school.
The core is the part of the apple I compost.
Do people actually use the word “core” in regards to skateboarding? Like seriously in a conversation? Seriously?
Jake Phelps: banned from the Target lunch counter.
ill be taking a trip to target to get some “free” stickers.
With this economy, we’re gonna see companies doing everything they can to survive. Even if this means “selling out”. Like with Shaun White, if you & I could make $$$ selling stuff at Target, we both know we would. NHS knows that skaters aren’t gonna buy this stuff, it’s for the 8 year olds that want to skate for 5 minutes. They know mom will come off $65 easier than $100. The Trasher sticker doesn’t surprise me at all. Thrasher & TWS are fashion mags now anyway. 65 pages of shoe, watch & clothing ads, 30 pages of skating. But once again, they get all that ad money, so that’s why they do it. Open a Thrasher from 86 and lay it next to this month’s issue. One looks like a skate mag, the other like freakin’ GQ. Later….
i just hope those are not like the 25 plies of particle board and a really bad heat transfer that the other decks at target are.
remember when the skateboarding is not a crime stickers were free at every shop? man we had a lot of those back in the day and we got creative with all those letters.
CORE-it is what is left when you eat away at all the nice tasty flesh and you perceive no more nourishment to be gained, so you toss it away, where it provides sustenance for the overlooked and eventually can give rise to maggots and other creatures you look at with negative contemplation, whilst you chow upon the next apple you have greedily plucked.
Sticker toss in aisle 9!
as the young turn-of-the century skater/poet skaterhusseindave once said, core is, “the part of the apple I compost.”
so strong that it cannot be diminished by the acid caldron of the human stomach, the core must be digested by the very process of nature itself.
therefore…if you get back up and skate, with a smile on your face after a bloody fall that’s left gravel and grime in your swollen elbow, you may be core.
and if you are 11-years-old and your mom gives you a shitty skateboard from Target but you learn to bust big ollies and end up grinding the tits off that board anyway, you may be core.
and if you are merely a bird, flower, or hungry plant twitching happily at the sight of a kickflip or carve, nourished in turn by, “the part of the apple I compost,” then you too, you too my friend, may be what we call, core.
free sticker pack on back? I thought that was the top?
*shakes head*
i love it when dudes get bummed on advertising in print mags…. are you not aware of how a fucking magazine operates, genius? they sell advertising space to pay for little things like writers’ salaries, printing, design, etc… and by the way, there’s no santa clause, either.
Once most of the
oh and hey SC Headbanger…FYI…theres still DIY people like ME out there who wouldn’t trade their pride, honor, and SOUL for all of Shaun White and Ryan Shecklers money combined.
Not all of us wanna be as rich as BAM and act like a mentally retarded kid hopped up on ryddalin on national TV. Is that a good influence for the kids???
Oh and hey Estes’ Ghost, Cold Ones, and momma no!
Just to let ya know!
(im assuming you are the bad-ass band Cold Ones from the UK, right?)