Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
In high school I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle. I still do, but I used wake up on school days an hour earlier than I had to, just so I could watch reruns of a cartoon that was already almost 20 years old. The show ran in various formats on network TV from 1959-1973, even though the production stopped in 1964. Syndication followed later. The General Mills corporation was the main sponsor, so it’s no surprise that they used Rocky and Bullwinkle in some advertising. This is from a full page ad from an unnamed comic book that allegedly ran in 1966.
Bullwinkle skateboards in a Cheerios advert.

Come on. It’s Rocky and Bullwinkle people… nothing?
That was my favorite cartoon too. Chicago trivia tidbit – Do you remember when Steve Dahl first came to Chicago he did Rocky & Bullwinkle voices along with a number of other ones.
…and Is it “STOP AHEAD” or “STOP, A HEAD…”
I think Steve Dahl had the voice of Rocky, June Foray on the show once.
i watched it a lot too, I have season 1 on dvd, it is rad to be able to watch an entire story line, like 20 episodes.