Ed Benedict Skatepark - Kaden

Ed Benedict is still open

Went to Ed Benedict today, had a lot of fun. It’s kind of boring because every bank is exactly the same, but on the converse side, there are lots of places to work on things, be you regular or goofy foot. Some complete assholes appear to have stolen a granite slab and some of the pool coping. Classic. I encourage a supreme level of narcing on the guilty parties if anyone ever sees it. I took two pictures of Kaden, and because I can’t edit myself, you get to see them both.

Rich was there too, snapping away like a madman. I’ll link to his shots when he posts them.

Both of these shots are of the same thing, ride up the ban, ollie to axle stall on the extension, ollie shuvit off. Remember kids, before there was an ollie shuvit, there was a vanilla variety shove it.
Kaden at Ed Benedict skatepark - 1

Kaden at Ed Benedict skatepark - 2


4 thoughts on “Ed Benedict is still open

  1. I like the first shot more. It shows the ledge, which helps you understand what’s going on.

    As for the granite/coping missing. If you kids truly loved skating as much as we did, you wouldn’t be fucking up such a sweet spot. If I saw this piece of granite at my friends house you could be assured I would kick the living shit out of them and make them return it.

    You have to ask the question, “Who did I steal the granite from?” You stole it from your friends/brothers you little shit. Now grow up, be a man and return it.

  2. Park & Rec was not to stoked about that & said that they really spent top dollar on the blocks etc.. I think each pool block is about the best most expensive you can buy.. Looked like they pried it up.

  3. That’s the kind of thing you’d expect to happen near the demolition of a park not near the opening?!?! I sure hope it wasn’t skaters. I got the chance to finally check out the plaza the this past weekend and it didn’t seem to affect anyone skating. I even saw many skaters using the missing blocks and marble as a challenge to their session.

  4. This park is in constant use. Went by again when the rain was off/on and there were plenty of people around. The only problem I can see are the decks for the transition part of the park. Who builds something that big without putting decks on it? It just fucks with the whole design of that part of the park. I know I’m the squeaky wheel on this one, but noone has come up with a good reason behind this. I was thinking of building decks out of wood and bringing them in there…

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