SOTW: Hood River – Roof and gap
Carl Warren hipped me to this dude… Sorry, channelling Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure. I needed a shot of the week, and I wanted to show something with the new roof once it went up. They didn’t tell me and I didn’t think to ask. Sorry, channelling True Romance. Hood River has an awesome gap to jump, and an awesome roof to skate under. Thanks once again, to man on the scene Carl Warren. Check out the full frame shot of the week and then some bonus shots after the jump.
Mike Estes
I wanted to pull out my “Air Board’ but opted for my basic “ledge-slider” model…..(for all you Pudgy-Yo fans). I can’t wait for this years Slee-stock!
Milton, eat this !!!
That is a stunning outfit Mr. Estes is wearing. Could it be the return of eighties day-glo?
The gap is going to get plenty of coverage. Sick!! Can’t wait to pretend to try it and then find a reason to slouch back to the bowl.
I agree, that gap is sick. I love how Hood River is in the woods and their roof will definitely help keep it clean.
Just a thought, there could be some erosion issues with that gap. It sure seems radical to have running water right next to/through your park.
One potential disaster would be that someone would get so scared while trying the gap that they poop themselves and fall into the creek. Then, the whole town would get cholera.
No, Stevens and Cascade Locks are downstream- there’s enough current in the Columbia to pull any fecal matter towards P-town.
That explains a lot.
Estes’ wearing some of those fag pants. Dude, what’s up with that?
hey cancer, why you lookin at his pants? You work at Zumiez or something?
The edge of that ledge is gleaming. ”Gleaming the…” ah hell, I just can’t.
Anyways, that ledge looks fast as hell.
Suffice to say Hood River is most definitely doing it right.
yeah I can’t wait to go there and wear retarded clothes so random internet hate machine cowards can comment about it!
yes sir, bring on the retarded clothes my camera can’t wait lol !!!!
Funny- Those are Matt Mumford Innes jeans…..and they are size bigger too- I’m just fat and old, that’s ‘my’ look I guess- please don’t copy me, the skate world has enough ‘Copy Cats’.
discussions of jeans not withstanding, i’d like to hear more about what the hood rats think about their new roof. Is it doing its job? Is rain getting in the sides anyway? (like LC, I’ve heard) Whats up with the one post almost in front of that big quarter pipe?
We’ve been skating in the rain- there’s a little blow in from the NE side where the creek gap line is…..and some has sprayed on the hip there…….its working and its nice. The builders got a fine for something the other day- a federal fine. So that’s suckie news. That pole sucks, gonna be honest, there’s room to do your lines, but its gonna claim somebody, someday. Lift tower padding?
Yo bobcat,
Don’t you have some sleestaks to sleigh??? And Zoomeez is from your state. Seeing dudes calves because his pants have that tight cut just caught my attention.
Estes, is cool, he rides, and I will probably run into him very soon. Have a nice day and skate your life away.
HAHAHA- you missed B-cat’s awesome super power called ‘internet sarcasm’. He’s mighty good isn’t he?
1) it’s SLAY, not SLEIGH
2) Zumiez is from Everett. We here in Washington state proper do not recognize Everett as a city in Washington state. Think of a reverse Washington DC jurisdiction.
3) tall people have highwater pants because pant companies make them for you little fucks. I’m 6’7″ and have had highwater problems since 3rd grade. Who cares? I don’t.
4) I have a sarcasm detector for sale, dare to leave your moms basement and join us for Sleestock on June 6 & 7th at Hood River. It’s only 2 days out of 365, i’m sure your level 70 Rogue in WOW needs a rest!
jingle my bells.
1)hey bobcat, with all due respect (your radar should be beeping right now) cancer dick definitely doesn’t know what WOW is . however i personally do appreciate your surprisingly good knowledge of WOW. my excuse is that my wife is recovering WOW addict, whats yours?
2)if you dont care about world pants situation, why are you telling us? and what does have length of pants (obviously your problem) has to do with how slim the the pants are? (im definitely not dissing slim pants as i, myself, have been wearing those proudly for last ten years)
3) and… and … fuck im too drunk to finish this post, oh yeah i just remembered. im just wondering: does have the relocation of sleezstock something to do with LC locals just blatantly hating on you guys or is it just because hood river is super sick?
plus he probably spelled it right. as far as stupidity goes sleighing is pretty comparable to jumping over cooler on gravel or whatever you guys do on your little gatherings.
no respect, for satans sake we’re skateboarders.
WOW is short for World of Warcraft. Its no secret i’m a game junkie… i think the Atari 2600 tattoo seals that, despite playing Warcraft 2 and 3 several times i’ve never delved into the MMORPG black hole previously mentioned. I do like me some Xbox games though – now playing skate 2, Fear 2 and Gears of War 2 – thank you Gamefly. Of course, I do get out and skate quite often thank you for asking. Still a tad sore from hiking a mountain yesterday and todays expedition to the tacoma zoo was fun as well (didn’t find the ghetto ass pearl district skatepark damnit), I do get out at my ripe age.
2.5) as for the tall guy/short pants deal, yeah it sucks. The longest I can ever find is length 34 sometimes 36 if i’m super lucky. Still doesn’t cover the sticks though. Fuck it, we could be back in the 80s with Gotcha/Catchit/T&C clamdiggers right?
3) As best as i know, we treated the LC guys with total respect on many levels. I’m sure if you actually showed up you could see the $125.00 put into meat and drinks for all, especially the tree-dwellin boys such as wade and most importantly Mark. I like Change. It’s fun. Now after 3 years at LC, it’s time to shake the snowglobe and hit up HR. Colin’s secured permits for us adult-beverage enjoyers and well, it’s time to go ride that absolutely incredible wonderful park those geniuses made.
anyway, for you other nerds tl;dr
see you at LC
especially DC, K-wag, and the Mer-man.
hahaha, bobcat, ive yet to make a sleestock, gunna try really hard this year,mainly in part cuz of HR. And Jeezus! 6ft 7′?!i would just go to big & tall or some shit and get a bunch of dickies.
Bet you’re a “big” Ben Scroeder fan-haha thats the tallest mf ive seen on a board.
and marek- still want to skate that ramp of yours-sorry-been tied down w/lots of shit lately and havent skated in weeks, hit me up this weekend if you go skate, hopefully i can get outta the house.