Mega ramp jump on Big Wheel.

Megaramp jump on a Big Wheel

Travis Pastrana has a show coming out on MTV. This looks like it might have been filmed for that. Yes, a mega ramp jump on a Big Wheel, with a back flip thrown in for good measure. Nutty. Watch the jump and a bonus vintage TV commercial for Big Wheels after the jump. Trike and Annoy! – Thanks to Sarib Khalsa for the tip.

Vintage Big Wheel commercial.

He’s only three years old, but my oldest kid will probably have his training wheels removed on his bike this summer. Regardless, he’s still getting a Big Wheel. I wish they made those things in adult sizes.


5 thoughts on “Megaramp jump on a Big Wheel

  1. You can find big kid big wheels, but they are usually garage hacks. Some well made, some not. AtomicZombie sells plan for a funky rear wheel casters version. Looks like it’d be fun to ride for about 15 minutes.

    Travis is scary… seriously… I mean that chit is funny, but the jumpin out of an airplane without a chute was stupid. Seems like a nice guy though.

  2. I want mine exactly like the little kids version, only bigger. That means plastic man, including the colorful stringers on the end of the handlebars and the noisemaker on the back wheel!

  3. Dude,
    Those “colorful handlebar stringers” are expensive nowadays – I just got some for the cruiser bike I am building for my gal; “3 bucks for little strips of plastic, c’mon man!”. Now I’m dreading the cost of a vinyl handlebar basket (with little yellow, white and pink daisies) for the bike. Ah, the sacrifices we make for tradition and authenticity…

  4. That landing looked a little painful!

    The pop century hotel in disney world has a giant big wheel. It’s probably a little bigger than you’d need though!


  5. […] We’re not what you would call huge Nitro Circus fans, however, there are occasions when Travis Pastrana pulls off some cool stuff. Like this Big Wheel backflip at Bob Burnquist’s house spotted by the ever vigilant Kilwag at Skate and Annoy. […]

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