Burnside getting a BMX track?
The economy sucks, and BMX riders and skateboarders at Burnside will be closer neighbors as a result. The Burnside Bridgehead redevelopment project is having funding issues. Instead of funding some of the planned landscape architecture, a parcel of land overlooking the new addition to the skate terrain is going to be turned into a temporary BMX dirt “pump track” filled with “rolling jumps, step-ups, and berms” according to BikePortland. You’d think the city would know that once you let anyone squat, it’s going to be hard as hell to get rid of them! That reminds me, there’s a bizarre new mural at the Department that shows a skatepark under the Fremont bridge and a buttload of bicycles going over the bridge. There’s only one or two skateboards in the whole thing. It’s strange indeed. Who commissions those things anyway? There must not be much of a screening process.
– Thanks to Fitz for the tip.
It’s way to early to say that “a parcel of land overlooking the new addition to the skate terrain is going to be turned into a temporary BMX dirt
How about elsewhere? Surely you aren’t against the basic principal of building a BMX track. I mean, give them someplace to ride, but not so close to Burnside. The elephant in the room is that the close proximity will only encourage more BMX riders to barge Burnside, leading to confrontation.
I don’t care where they put it, but not right above the skatepark. This so called “BMX track” will be made for little kids. Is that site really the place for that? Like you said “the close proximity will only encourage more BMX riders to barge Burnside” and that is my sole concern. I could care less about bikers themselves. I actually like watching some of the better riders tear it up at Burnside. It’s the clueless little kids that the BMX track would bring, and confrontations that may happen, that concern me.
Don’t we have 20 approved sites for skate parks? Lets give the BMXers one. I think we have made a big mistake allowing any ol contraptions in the skate parks. My first thought is ya .. bad news to have a BMX track so close to Burnside, but actually it might be a good thing. BMXers need help. Maybe this will be an example that WOW… you don’t need smooth concrete when you have 20 inch wheels with treads. Finally something to ride that requires all the gear that comes with a BMX bike. And finally it gives skaters the ability to say… “Bike park is over there… dont like it? Make it better”
BMX folks can take care of themselves. Let them organize and slog away in the endless meetings like everyone else. If they care enough, they will organize. More power to anyone willing to put in the time and commitment it takes to make terrain happen.
Burnside is not in the business of helping BMXers. Like Rich said, if they want something, let them sit for years in these mind-numbing meetings to make it known that they aren’t going anywhere. I make sure that anytime I hear of something like this my voice is heard. I make sure that if there is a chance to get a little something for the park, I’m there to ensure the park is represented. In the 2-3 years I’ve attended the Burnside Bridgehead meetings, do you want to guess how many BMXers have been around trying to get a piece of it? Zero. Not one. Yet I’m supposed to sit by and let this bad idea happen. No way.
They can make a BMX track in ever single city park for all I care, just not above Burnside. That is ALL I care about in this whole thing.
I agree. I think skaters have done way too much for the BMXers already. The problem is they have no reason to do anything. They have access to all the skate parks accept The Dept… Thats right even Burnside. Before Noon Burnside is a BMX haven. Go there on a Saturday morning and you will see 20 BMX dudes. The morning used to be a time when the next generation of Burnside kids could practice, not anymore. Not sure what the answer is, but Ive seen a lot of sessions killed by the bikes… even at Burnside.
go chuck!!!
hell yeah, chuck. more power to you.
Chuck, your an idiot. I will ride my bike in the park any damn time I want. Have done it before, will do it again! And what do the skaters say? Nothing! Cause im 6ft 4 and able to beat their drugged out ass any day!
Are you serious? When did I say anything about bikers not being able to ride at the park? The only thing I said is that I do not want a “BMX TRACK” in the empty lot above the park. Period. If you can’t handle that then you should just piss off. Thanks.
Actually, I’ll even quote myself from a few comments earlier since it seems your reading comprehension doesn’t seem too good.
“I could care less about bikers themselves. I actually like watching some of the better riders tear it up at Burnside.”
hahaha, Ive seen BMXr’s there from time to time and I dont say anything but it aint cuz they were big dudes.
Its because I’ve never seen more than 2 at a time and they dont project an agressive attitude,so just the opposite. They stay out of my way, I stay out of theirs. Im also 30, and got over the whole BMX’r/rollerblader/whatever wars like 15 yrs ago but it doesnt get old for some I guess.
I also make sure my glock isnt too far away from me when I skate there and I think its wise to consider Im probably not the only one. That being said, im usually too drugged out to stand up for myself.
Well then I guess I should just send a screen shot of this blog over to the PPD so they know firearms, drugs and alcoholic are all just a part of the Burnside Skate Park.
And really? A glock? Is that for your street ‘cred cause anyone who truly knows firearms knows those are basically just toys.
BMXguy. skaters are usually cool, thats why you read their websites, and thats why they build skateparks. when I was a kid we made our own BMX tracks. have you ever heard of that? it was easy to do, you just need shovels and rakes. since you are so big and strong you can be a big help when it comes time to build something.
Well then I guess I should just send a screen shot of this blog over to the PPD so they know firearms, drugs and alcohol are all just a part of the Burnside Skate Park.
And really? A glock? Is that for your street ‘cred cause anyone who truly knows firearms knows those are basically just toys.
That’s hilarious! Why are you so pissed off man? It makes no sense. Nice come back though.
Also Chuck be a decent system admin and fix the fucking time on this blog! Its 1 hour fast.
Glock that BOI!
the bike guy should send this screen over to the PPD, because he’s the one basicly making threats and displaying knowledge of guns. take your bike to the woods and go hunting big boy
A BMX bully? No way! I don’t believe it! Yes guy.. the system seems to be… we build em and the bikers barge. I get it. There seems to be a good amount of bikers.. is there any desire in your community to build anything? Or are the bikers just happy with whatever the skaters build them? Just asking.. this is a discussion. Im just really surprised that bikers dont build something that complements all the equipment they have. It would be much easier that pouring smooth concrete. Ya know? Thoughts?
I’m not the admin here. I’m just bored at work waiting for 5 o’clock to roll around. You need to talk to Kilwag about the site. What’s BOI mean? Maybe I’m just hip to the BMX lingo these days.
yes, a glock is for my street credit. my score is 187 homie! Besides its not a firearm, its basically just a toy, a toy that kills,anybody who truely knows firearms knows that! I heard police usually respond to screen copys of blogs where noone is being threatened in any definitive way at all and theres no substantial evidence of a crime. Yeah they respond super fast to that kind of thing. So the cops will probably just hand the park over to BMXr’s willy-nilly on that alone. wa-wa(sad trumpet)
hahahah, man I thought you had a sense of humor.
I’m just kidding with you all. I wouldn’t want any big tuff skaters to beat me up. See you at the park!
wow he left that kind of open-ended, you dont think..
The only thing opened ended is well.. Yep.. YOUR MOM! -SNAP-
This is getting so old. Why cant there be a BMX scene that builds stuff! There are soooooo many Skater DIY stuff. But no BMX stuff?!?… and it would be soooooo much easier to create epic spots. I hate to just label a whole scene, but after so much time of nothing LAME comes to mind. Sorry.. I hate to be a jerk, but jeez. COME ON!! I mean think about it… you could even ride in the rain. Whatever. Im not gonna change their minds. Now Bunny Hops and Donkey Kicks just make make me sad.
nah, she sewed it shut after i was born. KRAKLE,POP!
Wow, and I usually stand up for BMXers… Normally, when other skaters get mad about bikes in the parks, I point out that assholes come in all shapes and sizes. In my experoence, more often than not, it’s been a skateboarder who is acting the fool.
Not this time.
Settle down! Chuck is simply trying to head off the potential for conflict.
I think BMX GUY is DaddyYo. Whoever it is, they are using an IP address anonymizer to avoid being tracked and/or being identified.
that would be so hilarious to see any bmxer showing up during good heated session in the afternoon. boy would be gone pretty fast even if he would be 7 feet tall. you cant fuck with packed burnside.
Kilwag, that would be so rad if daddy yo was still spending (wasting) his time trying to subvert your website/cyber zine! I kinda thought the same thing with out knowing BMXguy was using some internet savy to hide his identity. I just was tripin’ on how these people make those kind of statements without using there real names.
what kind of person avoids “being tracked and/or being identified”? my answer to that question would be a “woosie”. not tuff enough mentally or pysicaly to be considerd a “pussy” by me.
I don’t want to have a say in what goes on at Burnside, cos I have only been there once, and it’s not one of “my” parks, so I did not want to coment on it. but since I have, I vote in favor of no BMX track near any skate park, cos some of those dudes might track dirt into the SKATEpark. and that always sucks.
there’s no way its daddy yo. 1-even though he’s a borderline fascist, he a lot smarter and well-spoken than bmx guy. 2-he’s too busy ruining the thrasher message boards to bother.
Yeah, but his quick move to involve the police out of the blue stinks like Daddy Yo.
I agree w/Kilwag, I love how quickly the antagonist turns himself into the victim. “I’ll do whatever I want and if yo say anything I’ll beat your ass”/”You said people carry guns, Im telling!”
-tre Daddy Yo, but its probably just some other dude screwing with you. At least he seems funnier.
What exactly is a glock?
Its a 9mm semi-auto hand gun w/a lighter body & barrel.
The co. is Glock and while not exlusive to law enforcement,its what most officers carry. I carry mine when I go skate or hang out in what are considered sketchy areas. i can usually hold my own in physical confrontation and its a last resort, as my experience has taught me on more than one occasion, that i cannot fist fight with more than 2 people nor can i beat up somone who is armed with one. Ive never been shot, but ive been shot at, and thats enough for me. ive lived in environments(not PAC NW) that it seems a necessity. I wasnt trying to be threatening,just offer advice that im probably not the only person strapped near burnside.
Why don’t BMXers just stick to freestylin’ at the prom?
is that lori laughlin on that clip?
BMX park next to Bside is prob not gonna happen so no need to get upset over bad ideas..
Wow BMXguy ever heard of measure 11. Beating people up at the skatepark is not allowed(and might win you an 86’d credit. sounds like your increminating yourself and then crying wolf. Riders that ride the park at the right time are tolerated. Many people everywhere have much worse attitudes than that. Push your pedals & skateboarders will push the concrete not each others buttons, you are trying to create & instigate friction between us, when there is none, and many of us get along. Your height doesn’t scare me or anyone, so quit clowning around Tough Guy. I do have a cell phone and a special # to call for a Big Bad Bully like you though. Punishment = reading your own posts and meditating on your stupidity.
If you know about riding Bside, you know.. if you don’t you prob. don’t need to know..
I think everyone is stoked seeing someone riding do the unbelievable there, at the right time.
The real people misrepresenting are the people with bad attitudes, on both sides..
Probably whoever talks positivly or negatively about the park should visit there on, at least a monthly/ cutting some slack here, Yearly basis. Picking up a broom never hurts either, thats a much faster way to earn respect & props. and acceptance than being a hothead. Its not what your park can do for you, its what you can do for the park. Think about it. Oh and I would say 90% of the time I represent properly, So CHECK me on that.
Wow!! This is all so stupid. I grew up riding skateboards in the Vision Street Wear days of the late 80’s and early 90’s. I have been riding BMX since ’94 and have seen the stupid war ever since then. I myself have more skateboard friends than bmx friends due to the punk scene having so many skaters in it. We all session together. Granted it’s called a “skate” park, nowadays, that meaning is lost. Not to sound like a hippie or something, but we should just say fuck the whole back and forth fuck woodpushers, no fuck pedalers war. Let’s all go ride and as they now say…..SHRED THE GNAR!! I have bmxed Burnside, it just takes consideration just like any other skatpark. Don’t snake people. There are dickheads on both sides, alot of skaters, but bmxers for sure, just look at the BMX guy douchebag who is so tough but needs to get cops involved, wow dude, gotta girlfriend lately? As a BMXer, I think this whole idea is fucked! Too many skaters HATE bmxers and vice versa, but for guys like me who just want a session, it would be cool, but a pump track is kiddie stuff for sure and all Burnside needs is a bunch of little Timmys getting plowed by both BMXers and skaters at Burnside. Give us land not next to a Burnside and consider it built. For years, us BMXers have gone to meetings(unlike what some above mentioned people have said) and we have built our own jumps on other people’s property. We break laws to build our riding spots too, just like the street skaters grinding rails and ledges. Let’s stop being internet dweebs, grab our glocks or brass knucks(my fav) get drugged up and go session. Life’s too short to get bent about this shit. SHRED THE GNAR!!
I’m coming with my Mountain Bike and an RPG.