Saturday Starrs #8: Powell Peralta’s Skateboarding in the 80’s
Saturday Starrs are back! After he got the boot from YouTube due to the heavy hand of Dick Clark, Scott Starr is back again. I went through his backlog and only one of the previous seven videos has made it back, but we’re forging ahead anyway. The video is not spectacular in and of itself except that it is in fact the godfather of all skate videos. Skateboarding in the Eighties is a promo vid that Stacy Peralta made and sent out to some skate shops. The response was so overwhelming that he decided to make what would become the first Bones Brigade Video Show. Now, some 25 years later, he’s directing commercials for Burger King and Amp Energy Drink. It’s about eight minutes long and features the skateboarding talents of Steve Caballero, Rodney Mullen, Mike McGill and Tony Hawk. The soundtrack is kind of funny. It’s half new wave (Ultravox) and half prog rock.
UPDATE: Well that was fast. The video has been pulled already, we have to assume by request of Powell, or even Ultravox? That would be funny. Maybe Midge Ure secretly reads Skate and Annoy.
Powell Peralta – Skateboarding in the 80’s.
From the archives of Scott Starr. (More Saturday Starrs)
(Note: Don’t pay any attention to the high quality notice at the beginning of the video. I’m using a hack in the embed code to stream the high quality version, even though the player doesn’t think it is.)
Awesome! Thanks for posting that. I’ve been trying to find that for years. There is some of that footage in Axe Rated, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the whole thing.
thank you for making my day
Send Dick Clark an email saying- “Thanks for ruining one mans hard work for your own selfish reasons” Stoked Starr is re-building this….where’s the Wham-o Wheelie Bar?
Unfortunatelt it’s Midge Ure-era Ultravox, not the earlier, superior John Foxx Ultravox.
I just heard the first Ultravox LP for the first time last month. It kills! Can’t believe I missed it all those years. I investigated some Jon Foxx solo stuff after hearing it, but it didn’t stoke me as much, sort of Gary Numan-eque at it’s best. Boring at it’s worst. I like a lot of the Midge Ure Ultravox,, usually only a handful of tracks on any given album. A different band with him. I wish Rich Kids had put out more than one album, Ure was a good glam-ish power pop rocker
Awesome vid though. Thanks.
Second Ultravox! album, “ha! – ha!- ha!” is KILLER. Full-on howling punk rock, in places. Get the remastered CD, it’s got tracks from the live EP they put out at the time, which is also great. I love all the John Foxx-era stuff, as soon as he left, I totally lost interest.
This site rules. Iain, great call. Ha! ha! ha! is a great record. One of the lost gems of punk rock. And Randy, Foxx predates Gary Numan. Ultravox formed in 74.
Ure had a strange career. From teen heraththrob in Slik, to power pop punker in The Rich KIds, to synth crooner in Ultravox. He was all over the place.
I remember watching that one after “renting” from our local skate shop Gravity Sports. It also had an instrumental section after the Ultravox from The Beat… “I Confess” I think…
If I die tomorrow let it be known that I love the Rich Kids…I have no idea what “Ghosts of Princes in Towers” is about but its in my Top 20.
I thought I was supposed to let everyone know you loved reggae.
and ska, right Brad?
rrr-right! bim!
Bummer, the video was removed. What’s up Powell? Are there any readers at corporate Powell who can shed a little light? Granted, it’s copyright infringement of course, but you guys never sold that video anyway. Is it music rights? Come on, let us host it here on SnA!
Maybe Midge Ure secretly reads Skate and Annoy.
Good thing I downloaded it.
maybe Animal Chin visits SnA once in a while.
perhaps the jazz rock band got pissed that you called them prog rock.
there was that scandinavian music video that had 60’s skaters in it on skate and annoy. someone asked if any one knew who the skaters were and I commented that it might be the Hobie team. within a few days the video was removed. did I blow it? is big brother or Stacey Peralta watching?
you know how artists are about their early works, and stacey looks goofy as the worlds first skate filmer being filmed.
it makes it hard to buy gear from them when the companys owner is a f-n dick. thanks powell
I thought we promised not to do any name-calling.
what the fuck man i’ve been looking for this video for years and its not availab any more!!! WTF