Orange you glad I didn’t say banana board?
Mandy and Dandy Dude are the official mascots of the Duda foods Dandy brand of oranges. One one side of this bag of clementine oranges, Dandy Dude is taking green skateboard technologies to another level. Unfortunately, Mandy isn’t skating on the other side. When are we finally going to see parity (not pear-ity?) for female mascots in world of extreme food marketing? A tip of the hat to my wife for picking these up at the grocery store.
Dandy Dude the Clementine Orange rides a skateboard made from a leaf.
Here’s a close up. That half peeled orange at the top right looks like a turd.
HA! saw these like a month ago, they are good and if we keep em on the table my 3 year son snatches em up like a tyrant.