Back to the (good old) dark ages?
With numbers like that, industry insiders say some brands will disappear and the economic undertow will pull down a number of mom-and-pop shops, considered the backbone of the business because of their connection to the core action sports customer.
Extreme!™ Bankruptcy! The San Diego Tribune takes a sobering look at the state of the industry in the article titled Economy wiping out some action sports firms. ASR attendance is down about 50% from what it was last year this time, and “industry insiders” are predicting about a third of action sports businesses will shut down by the end of this year. Bad news for skateboarders? I’m going to say no. Your favorite shop may close, which will suck, but there are shops out there that have weathered the storm on multiple occasions. Most of the core shops are probably going to stick it out. Some big names might decide drop a product line or two, or even pull out entirely, but that wouldn’t be any great loss. They’ve done it before, no need to point them out. Ultimately, the kids (and old men) are still going to ride their skateboards.Skateparks and DIY spots will still be made. Some little guys are going to bite the bullet, but then things will get lean and mean for while, and that’s always when the interesting things in the industry happen anyway.
[Source: Boardistan]
it’s tough to own a shop right now. if it wasen’t for our team and shop friends putting in mad hours volunteering to work we would not be here. people need to take it on your own to help out your shop ask to help even if it’s just taking out the trash. by helping to work for free we can keep cost down on our goods which helps every one keep skating. it’s time to rise up and take back our sport, get involved
Quiksilver and Hurley skipped the event to save money
Volcom, Billabong and Vans
I think it will be the big companies that will feel it the most, they have to maintain a certain amout just to cover the huge operating cost overheads. I think the little guys, and medium sized companies that will weather the storm best most likely.
Let it all go up in flames…can’t wait. This won’t do shit to the small skateboard companies as we are not making any money as is.
Most small skate companies have regular 40 hour jobs and run their companies on the side.