SOTW 12-08-08: Johnny Turgesen at Orcas Island
This week’s Shot of the Week is Johnny Turgesen at Orcas Island as taken by Kyle Bunker. Ihaven’t been to Orcas in a long time. I love that park. Check out the full frame Shot of the Week.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on December 10th, 2008
Categories: Shot of the Week, Skate
This week’s Shot of the Week is Johnny Turgesen at Orcas Island as taken by Kyle Bunker. Ihaven’t been to Orcas in a long time. I love that park. Check out the full frame Shot of the Week.
i thought Daddy-Os flyout on the mountain board would have been SOTW.
Turg is the shizzle- Most Stylish FS Ollie’s. Hope Orcas survives the little school district battle. Hope Warren Miller steps in…..hope is such a faint wish.
we call fs ollies on tranny “shoeboxes” down here sorta a word association thing from shitbox. johnny does some sick “shoeboxes”. no foomps.
I hate it when I have to look a word up in the dictionary and the definition contains a word I don’t know…
Renaming an ollie on vert to belittle it is like calling your father the sperm donor.
…and of course he’s not wearing a helmet.
Thanks for helping ruin the park.
Besides, ollies were invented on vert…let’s rename flat-land ollies…I nominate “pee-pants”…nollies can be “wee-pants”….”Dude, that was a SICK heel-flip wee-pant over that 9-set!”
you could call flat ground ollies “follies” and tranny ollie’s “trollies” ha!
Typical Street Skater convesation:
ME”Was that wet-pants?”
KID”No, it was fakie.”
ME”Damn man, that was clean.”
KID”Ehh….I used to be able to pop them like hip high but then I started working on my car too much.”
ME”Wait a second, working on your car? Aren’t you like 14?”
KID”Yeah, but I drift race so….”
so are they getting rid of this park? why?
because people don’t pick up their trash or wear their fucking helmets.
…and drink beer there too, apparently
Seems like they threaten this every other year. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be taken seriously, but still. Also, I don’t understand why there is a problem with people of drinking age legally having a beer. It’s a U.S. thing with public parks. I’ve heard in Europe it’s a non-issue.
If I could figure out a way to make people pick up trash i would. I try to pick some up at my local parks, hoping to set a good example, but it seems to be largely ignored. Parents are raising their kids poorly.
look at their source, it came from the stak… namely larry.
if the people lead the leaders will follow. just wear a fucking helmet at orcas – it’s not your park. bonus points for not putting photos of people skating there without helmets on the internet as well.
Closing the park doesn’t seem to come up anywhere, just increasing fees. I didn’t know there was a fee, t’s been so long since I was there.
Schoolboard guy said:
As I’m the school board member who has been pushing this issue, I can tell you all that you should be proud of your fellow “local” boarders for a great turn out and an articulate argument. Tonights meeting went a long way towards a bright future for the skate park. I hope that all of you understand
that you are all looked up to by the young kids on the island so please respect the policies of the park.
1.Wear a HELMET
5.Take out yor trash
6.Wear a HELMET
7.Be respectful of others
OK, sounds good.
Nobody wears a helmet there. not even the locals.
If that gets shut down for no helmets……then skaters are fucking idiots!
What is the big deal about wearing a lid?
I’m sure its a fashion thing…..idiots.
Personally I don’t care if some idiot gets a head injury.
Its their family that has to wipe his ass for the rest of his life.
Its his family hat has to pay those medical bills.
Its his family that gets to reminise about how much they miss their idiot.
The worst part is I won’t get to skate Orcas!
Wow Johnny… congratulations on all the attention!
I find it hard to believe that helmets are the number one issue for all the controversy that’s going on. I can almost guarantee that it was the result of multiple tours and parties including under-age alcohol and drug consumption that have taken place here. Of course I don’t know if I’m right, but needless to say I’m sure Johnny will wear a helmet out of respect when he visits the park again. Now enjoy the photo and take it easy.
uh sorry if u misunderstood me mark “shoebox” is a term of respect. we think johnny does sick frontside ollies. I would give my right nut to do them like him(well not really). It is only a word association thing from his old myspace name. I word associate everything its just what i do. you do ollies with your shoe his old myspace name was shitbox. Sorry im 41 ill grow up now.
ps i dont care about the helmet issue. sorry. and that bacon video at dos was sick. I also think it is okay to skate street and tranny but I mostly try to skate transition. I cant wait to skate the big bowl at pier again even though I have no skills in there. PEACE AND HAVE A NICE DAY!
sorry I beleive a trollie is an ollie over a street car. a vollie is an ollie over a vagrant. A trollie vollie is an ollie over a vagrant in a streetcar.
I thought this was going to be a benign post that nobody would pay attention to.
Randy, the whole world is watching you and hanging on your every post…we pay attention to everything you do…by the way, what’s the deal with the mis-matched socks you were wearing yesterday?
As much as I hate to do it, I gotta agree with Bobcat on this one.
This issue is just another example of the somewhat goofy fratboy attitudes of skateboarders.
They are so concerned about their appearance that they would rather see a good skatepark closed than wear a helmet.
An related fashion conformity is the trend toward “girl pants” rather than the traditional baggy pants.
I remember at my local Y park the kids complained about being required to wear knee pads beacuse they said it restricted their ability to jump. Now they wear jeans so tight that the fabric behind the knee is constantly wrinkled because it can’t bend when they jump.
They just didn’t want to wear knee pads because their frat brothers thought it was geigh. This skatebording as a “tribe” attitude causes way more problems than it solves.
Bobcat – the answer to your problems at the staepark are simple. Call the cops when you see rules being violated.
I do it all the time. It is a good way to clear out a crowed park also.
It may save a life and will most certainly save your skatepark. Of course you will have to accept that you are an adult responsible for helping law enforcement keep civil order. But then, you are required to do things you may not want to do for the common good just like you are asking the park users to do.
It’s a bitch being a grown up.
“Call the cops when you see rules being violated.
I do it all the time. It is a good way to clear out a crowed park”
Thanks for today’s skate tip!
wow what a fascist. So overfully concerned about controlling other peoples behavior. You call most skate boarders frat boys and conformists when you sound like like biggest frat boy conformist of them all. I know a diverse crowd of skateboarders with individual interests and beleifs. why are you so concerned about being adversarial? IT seems like you are an outsider looking in with no friends and no clue.
ps. skateboarding is supposed to be about having fun
Not sure if i made myself clear. frontside ollies on vert and other transitions are good things.
Johnny turgesson has sick style when he does them on vertical or not vertical transitions.
Vertical skaterboarding and transition skateboarding is very fun on ramps, bowls, jersey bariers, steep banks or banks to walls its all good and fun.
what I really hate are andrecht handplants waste of time(fag plants)if you asked me.
hahaha(the part where i said hahaha that means i am totaly joking, really I mean It)
eggplants now those are the shit. you cant beat a good eggplant. now discuss. haha
Sutherlin MC
I heard there is a hotsprings nearby where chcks get naked. HA HA HA he said naked!
“It is only when frat boy skateboarders think they can impose their own rules on the skatepark that the fun stops.”
Frat boys at the skatepark? I thought they were all cruising around campus on their Sector 9’s. LOL!!!
I do own a helmet and I do wear it on ocassion if I go to orcas which I definately will I will repect the rules and wear my helmet. personally I am not ashamed to be different like every body else. I still love punk been a “skate punk” since high school in the 80s. I dont look like it so much now though. haha. I am glad you conform to the rules of society I am sorry but I pick and choose which rules I obey I cant help it that is who I am. The thing I dont understand is why do you insult skateboarders if you pretend to be one? One of my good sk8 buddies is a college professor. I know a big group of skateboarders and they are all different types of people. dare I say it individuals who think act and dress differently.
I am over this whole thing. IM going to SF to hopefully do some skateboarding this weekend if I go to lake cunningham I wont bitch about having to wear my helmet.
ps So when do you want to meet orcas for a sesh. o wait your some idiot that lives no where near washington.
you wont bitch about wearing the helmet, but you will about paying 5 dollars to get in. at least parking’s free this time of year. seriously though, its a rad park, but in the summertime, if you dont split the parking or park in the street, thats 11 dollars to skate. i guess if you make a day trip of it or get to skate with cab its worth it.
LP – they should just close that park. Sounds like most of you don’t appreciate what you have.
I wear a helmet at Newberg, and I’d pobably do the same at Orcas–especially if it’s in danger of closing down.
That said, if anyone ever tattles to the police about any of my behaviors, they should pray the cops arrest me. Because when they leave the park, we will have business.
On that note, if you weren’t an utter coward, you’d talk right to the offending party yourself. I’ve done such things, and had it done to me, and it worked out fine without anyone having to call for somebody else to fight their battles. Grown men are able to speak directly to one and other.
In other words, you are a total chickenshit.
Orcas skatepark is on school property – in order for it to exist the insurance states specifically that all users need to wear a helmet. If you don’t like that, go to one of the billion other NW parks that don’t require it.
Don’t blow it for the locals. If they don’t wear helmets, thats their deal as well – be a better person and do you part rather than following the herd.
and DaddyYo fuck off.
Trust me DaddyYo, cops are just as irritated as anyone else when you call them up to fight a battle for you. Normal people should be able to have a conversation without it leading to calling the police. It just amazes me that you preempt conversing with other people and go straight to the cops. Much like the way you threatened Kilwag with a lawsuit, rather than just going away. Like some have already said. I feel sorry for you more than I hate you. This is most likely about as “social” as you get in your sad little world.
i wear a helmet for the most part, whether its required or not, id rather not get a concusion, at my park they have security guards come and make sure everyone wears a helmet, which means most of the cool kids with the cool pants and cool clothes they bought at the mall stand around all pissed off
i say close the park down, pick it up off the face of the earth, and move it some place where people appriciate what they have, like maybe my area code? (please?)
anyway, ive found that pigs at skateparks do more harm then good, daddyo is a pig just like the rest of em
oh and prove to me that skateboarders vote alike, i know skateboarders who voted for McCain and Obama, i bet all you douche bag mountain boarders vote the same
who gives a fuck…..close all the skateparks you whining fags….backyards and under bridges is where i lurk…i really hope skateboarding dies…
Fritz and Chompy
“If you said anything to me at a skatepark that wasn
hahaha..i’ve never seen the police respond in advance to anything, here or anywhere else…maybe things work different in the south.
endlessly running your mouth to deliberately piss off scores of people across the country does not equate to maintaining adult civility or peace.
the reality is; when you provoke,the consequences are your own.
“You can lead a man to city but that wont ensure civility” -Ian Bavitz
“Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding” -Albert Einstein
“Peace through strength” Ronald Reagan
I didn’t say that I would call the police in advance, dufuss. I said that I would notify them that I was going to skate at Burnside and that I had been treatened by Burnside skaters on this and other web forum and that I would call them to respond if any of those who have made threats took any action.
I haven’t pissed off scores of adults acroos the country, I’ve pissed off skateboarders. There is a big difference.
Who are you to say that I provoke anyone. I think you have provoked me. Does that give me the right to assault you. Idiot!
Find any law that allows you yo assault me because I “provoked” you. Stupid little kid.
haha, calm down sweetheart, no need for hysterics.
what an emotionally charged response-look at all the typos and name calling! such unbecomming conduct for the example adulthood.
well, you’ve got Reagan, Ive got Einstein. We’ll let that stand on its merits.
spin it as you may but the truth is apparent.its not all the majority that has the problem,its you. as a conformist that should be easy to understand right?ok.
skateboarders inlcude mostly adults that you have antagonized. but you you know that. c’mon now,i dont buy you’re that delusional,just horribly misguided.
wouldnt you agree that crimes occur everyday that escape the consequence of law enforcement or do you think police are everywhere all at once to protect you from everything?And I welcome you to try an assult me, that would be hilarious, you’d fill your colostomy bag in seconds, old man.
Noone has the RIGHT to assault you, just like noone has the right to run over you with a car, but run into traffic on the freeway and see what happens..please.
Dude, I love that popup window you put in kilwag! Thats so rad! Daddy-o is to here what Ralph is to the Howard Stern show. Hated by just about everyone. INCLUDING EC! Thats just saying something. I have never been to Burnside and would love to, but from what I have seen daddy wouldnt make it through thzat afternoon. They dont take to kindly to “alternative extreme” riding (not skateboarding) very kindly there, do they? I mean the vibes we give fruit booters and scooters in the wimpy nor cal are bad enough. Imagine getting the vibe from true hardcore rippers, daddy!
“jakeferranti Says:
haha, calm down sweetheart,”
I told you I’m not gay. So sorry to disappoint you.
“what an emotionally charged response-look at all the typos and name calling!”
Ha, really? What is “noone”. Is that supposed to be like someone or anyone?
AHHHHHAHAHAHA-Thanks Kilwag, that’s funny as hell!
hey i think i figured it out
we should close the roads and highways to because nobody follows the rules on those either
mudd butt rules the wasteland…helmet or no helmet…
I have lived in a lot of areas and have watched a lot of parks get closed down for these problems. It seems to me that if they can enforce payment they should be able to enforce Helmets and No DRINKING OR DRUGS. I have not been to Orcas and hope that I will be able to in the near future but if not it is the School boards fault for letting people through the gate if they do not have a dome cup. It is also their fault for not placing bans on people who are particularly destructive in the park as far as vandalism and littering go. It is wrong to blame this on the skateboarders if they have to pay to play, that payment ensures they are enforcing the rules. If they are not then they (the skate park)are at fault.
No Roads just side walks.
Michael Poindexter, do your kids ever laugh in your face or just behind your back? I’m betting you are divorced, no? Once you let out all that pent up aggression and homophobia you’ll feel a lot better.
Dad, please stop posting on forums that my friends might see. Sis and I have talked it over and we are both tired of being made fun of at school whenever our schoolmates see your tired attempts at attention.
Please, please, please stop we beg you. The teasing is starting to hurt in ways your piss poor parenting never has.
PS strapping your feet to a board with wheels does not mean you matter.
I like hot pockets.
LP Said:
“Hated by just about everyone. INCLUDING EC! Thats just saying something.”
Why should you find that in any way surprising? I am the only truly consistent anti-fascist on this site. Unlike you moronic Obama voters who have just enabled that sorry tool to commit even more murder against the Pashtun tribesmen in Afghanistan and Pakistan while simultaneously supporting the unlimited and uncontrolled immigration that has destroyed any hope of maintaining living wages (or apparently any kind of jobs at all) in this country.
as if mccain would have been any different, ec.
As if McCain was the only other person on the ballot, LP.
oh, i just figured you weren’t throwing your vote away on someone in the green or libertarians or whatever, ec, sorry.
LP, you are a fool of you think that as Americans the only choice we have if Republican or Democrat. I proudly voted a straight Libertarian ticket this year, and in my opinion, there is no better time to be a Libertarian, given our extreme left-wing Congress and White House. I predict a fairly interesting next 4 years in politics.
Voting for a third party is not throwing your vote away. When you vote for the “lesser of two evils” major party candidate they interpret your vote as a mandate for every one of their policies whether you agree with all of them or not.
Voting for a third party is the only choice if you want to make your vote count. It gets their attention, plus the are discomfited by the sheer disobedience of it!
i voted for the puerto rican chick with the full lips and big ass.
really, her cans were so large and natural and the ass you could see from the front, it didnt matter from the neck up anyway.it was a wet t-shirt contest and i had to focus on what was important in that election. and it turned out, big brown tits were important! my vote counts!
e c summed it up pretty well. Thanks pal.
e c:”Why should you find that in any way surprising? I am the only truly consistent anti-fascist on this site.”
Not true, I consistently voice my anti-liberal opinions, but I don’t do it in an entirely asshole-ish and racist way like he-who-shall-not-be-named.
You guys don’t appear know the true meaning of fascism, having somehow confused it with liberalism. If anything, fascism is essentially ultra-conservatism. You need to come up with a more valid term for what it is you are talking about.
P.S., I think there’s a Charlie Brown special where the Peanuts gang learns the true meaning of fascism.
Kilwag-I understand that by definition, liberals are not facisit. The same cannot be said for our two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, who are not really the polar opposites of each other as they would have you think.
I am not a conservative, but I would never vote in any way to give the government more influence, spending power, larger military, phone tapping authority, etc.
I here you. Also, you are gay… ha hah ah ah ha ha haha.
Sorry, couldn’t resist, you see I found myself engaged in political discourse on the Internet and couldn’t let it be civil or else the web might break down.
Well played Kilwag… dig the pop up too. Well played indeed.
I like your style Kilwag. The internet is nom place to respectfully disagree with anyone’s conflicting points of view.
I don’t think one person has left a comment about Johnnys photo.
Yeah Johnny!
fuck politics
WTF are you talking about s4? This fark.com, what picture are you talking about? If you are going to ….. one second….. I am being told that this is, in fact, SNA. I apologize for my attitude there. With all of the emotionally charged rants about police protection, Ronald Reagan, economics, liberals, and homosexuality, it is easy to get my two favorite internets confused. I hope you understand.
Now that I said photo, some Johnny kid I have never met is totally killing some Oregon skatepark I have never skated! Wooohoooo! But seriously, nice man.
I’m aware that there are other parties, but it is a two party system, sorry to say. i dont agree with either side, but i do know that voting another party is futile. mc govern, nader, perot, etc, all good ideas, all things i agree with, and vote for, yet they’re not sitting in the oval office. keep voting non mainstream though if it makes you feel good. don’t blame me, i voted for kodos!
Dude, George McGovern was the nominee of the Democratic Party… LOL!!!
oh ec, i was taling about this mcgovern, who you probably know extremely well. did you call out sick last week? =)
From Wikipedia with my examples of modern liberal fascist idiologies inserted):
Fascism is an authoritarian or totalitarian nationalist ideology, which is primarily concerned with notions of decline (liberals accusations of conservative disregard for the welfare of the poor, equality of race and health of the environment) or decadence (liberals accusations of big business fat cats), and which seeks to solve such problems by achieving a millenarian national rebirth (a Changeolution!), exalting the nation or race above all else (“historic” election based on a race lie), and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity (Yes We Can, the Obama Messiah Cult).
George Orwel said that the label fascism has been so over used and incorrectly applied that it is meaningless to it’s original definition and has come to mean and is as accurate in descibing the person who should acutaly be called a bully.
Nice try LP but you would be better off reading a history book rather than surfing the web in search of homosexual porn.
ok ec you caught me, now where are the history books with homosexic porn?
Yeah history with homosexual porn. It is better than Alexander the movie.
mussolini said the ideal society was one where buisness and government were merged into a single entity. he called this “fascism.”