Grinding for Air in the Funbox
Well, I just don’t know what more one could possibly say about that headline. Ha! They even botched the second headline (term anyone?) “MEANING A PUBLIC SKA8BOARD PARK IS FINALLY COMING TO MIAMI.” I hope somebody has a hard copy of this. The Biscayne Times has an article on a public skatepark for Miami that is in the conception stages. Familiar name Tito from Team Pain has the dubious honor of being quoted. I hope the suits in Miami making the decisions are little more in touch than the guy who wrote this article. So there you have it.
Its as if he had a list of skate related words and just sprinkled them into the title. At least its better than the article about the steel bridge.
“grinding for air in the funbox”
sounds like a slang term for smoking crack
I couldn’t have come up with a crazier title if I tried. He had to have done that on purpose. He had to, right? I tried searching for the authors name to confirm if he skates but I came up with nothing. Somebody should write to him an ask him if the title was supposed to be ironic.
This is what happens when older people try to emmulate the youth culture. They shouldn’t even try and they shouldn’t even think that youth culture is something to be emmulated.
Why couldn’t he just write the article using standard English?
This country has got to drop the worship of young people.
Typical of the media. Why can’t they just write shit in normal english instead of trying to put some lame youth/surfer slang with it.
At least the photo is good.
Uhm, no, I’m not DaddyYo and I’m not responding to a comment by him. In fact, I’ve never heard of this DaddyYo person. Am I cleared to proceed?
Billy, thanks for the laugh.
In spite of the typical/apparent lameness of the article, a 54,000 sq/ft Team Pain park should be very sick. I’m generally trying to come up with reasons to avoid South Florida (my parents live there, so it’s not always easy), but it’s starting to look pretty good down there.
Those crazy kids with their hula hoops and their Hootie and the Blowfish
Seriously this is amazing news if it happens. South West Florida has a major void of parks where the rest of the states has so much. Now its all about the proper design and the builders… PLEASE GET THIS ONE RIGHT!!! Miami needs to finally get on the map with a real park.
First of all, who spells “sk8board” with an 8 rather than the “ate”. Obviously that writer has never taken a rudimentary english class…back to the books!
you gotta say it with a southern accent