Canby, Oregon skatepark

Blowing out the Canby skatepark

Finally checked out Canby skatepark yesterday. It was a nice afternoon and the locals were ripping. It’s all small and kinky and I didn’t stay long but it seemed like it could be fun.

Canby Oregon skatepark

It’s between West Linn and Donald if you’re on your way from one of these parks to the other.

Here’s what Skate Oregon has to say:

Comments: There is no height to this park, soft and boring. The bowls were connected in the design but seperated in construction, a repeat offense. Having identical but seperate bowls is a waste. This is the most expensive park in the state of Oregon.

At $360,000 (according to Skate Oregon) it cost more to build than Pier Park or Glenhaven.

Here’s a description from the City of Canby site:

Skate Park (Regional)

Large outdoor facility for skate boards, in-line skates and bikes. Future plans call for a ball field complex with restrooms, etc.

Canby’s skate park became a reality through the efforts of local skaters led by Michaela Carrol, whose enthusiasm and persistence convinced the City to build the park.

1175 NW 3rd Avenue (west end of avenue)


13 thoughts on “Blowing out the Canby skatepark

  1. Where’s that enlargement?

  2. Same exact design as swift.

  3. I can’t believe that’s the most expensive park in Oregon. What a travesty. Still, I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun. Nice transistions!!@!

  4. “small and kinky” – that’s what she said!

  5. I love Canby. It is so bad it is good. Just don’t look it as a ‘skatepark.’ Look at it as some random Badlands mooncrater that you stumbled upon. I’d love for one of Portland’s 19 to build on this Neil Blenderesque theme of bizare banks and tight trannies. Plus, you don’t have to be a cool guy to skate there.

  6. Oh, and I got a note back from the City of Canby. The park is built on landfill and supposedly there was extra engineering work to deal with settling. The park is nine or ten years old and seems to be holding up from what I could see.

  7. canbodian on December 1, 2008 - Reply

    the park only cost 30,000 the estimate was 360 but they got a bunch of donated materials and labor.

  8. I skated it once and I was overheard by a local kid saying that it is just like the Swift Park in Vancouver. He then said the same contractor built the 2 parks and after Swift was completed the kids in Canby wanted the same park. Wow, times have sure changed since they built those wonders.

  9. skatehardretard on December 2, 2008 - Reply

    I’d give canby a bit more credit that swift cause from these pics it looks a bit larger and definitely better constructed..but yeah the design is pretty much identical.

  10. It is pretty close in design to the old Vancouver park but with much better construction.
    I always have fun at Canby.

  11. canby park is fun for what it is and still better then the salem park

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