Backyard DIY bowl

DIY backyard bowl – Installment 4

Joesf is pouring faster than I post. This next batch covers a couple of pours over different days. He might be done by the time you read this.

I seem to have a real knack for mixing on the wetter side, as we again have a gap to fill. Funny thing is, I had almost no sag on my 18′ of vert on the jersey barrier but i keep getting sag on transitions just approaching vert. I will patch this lip when i pour the connecting section later this week. So far, the fish pond is a challenge to ride. It is like the shallow end of a pool, you have to work for everything, even simple kickturns become challenging. It was rad to see Danimal pull frontside slash grinds on the 3ft qp monday.

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We put a hip in the less than 3 ft between the jersey barrier and the pocket. And now we have half a bowl.

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With this pour, we are down to two sections left to pour before we have a fully enclosed fishpond. We should be able to get the rest poured within the next two weeks.Then I am expecting the cover to arrive about the 30th of October.

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So close to being done. I learned a lot from this project. In my next few pours, pocket and face wall that are framed up, I will attempt to put in a death box in the pocket and tile along the face wall. that is what the plastic bag in the pocket is for and the strip of wood along the top of the face wall forms. then all that will be left to finish is a little pie wedge connecting the corner, 3ft tranny to the face, 4ft tranny.

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We got it covered and my death box is taking shape. should be done soon after halloween.

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Backyard DIY bowl - 086


15 thoughts on “DIY backyard bowl – Installment 4

  1. Right on Joesf. It’s looking awesome.

  2. Ha Ha he’s already skating it- look at the little marks on the spine/hump thingy….this thing rules!

  3. …will examine dog in exchange for a ride in this unique creation…Krohn D.V.M.

  4. nweyesk8 on October 30, 2008 - Reply

    brad you can come ride the bowl, but my dogs already have a regular vet. They go to the doctor way more than I ever do.

  5. Nice! I dig meeting responsible pet owners that skate!

  6. nweyesk8 on October 30, 2008 - Reply

    We have met and skated before on several occasions Brad. If it helps to jog your memory,

  7. word.

  8. i saw the progress yesterday, looks even better and i can’t wait to ride it now with the opposing walls done. we need to hold the mini-ramp/fish pond 1 day trifecta sometime soon.

  9. I’m in Dan….

  10. Propinas on October 30, 2008 - Reply

    Awesome!!! Look at that, blows away Ed Benedict. Stick that in your pipe and smoke on!

  11. nweyesk8 on October 30, 2008 - Reply

    not including tools, I have spent less than 1000$ on this bowl. the cover cost 200$. Skate and create, DO IT NOW!!!!!

  12. […] Revenons vite fait sur le projet de Ludo (aka Crap), qui est d’embellir son petit bout de jardin et donc d’organiser un stage b

  13. dude this is so sick! Me and my friends are building a little bowl in my backyard right to!

  14. Colonel Harodobi Matsaiutku on February 4, 2020 - Reply

    right on this is rad! I would butter my nips to that, right on!

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