
17 thoughts on “348 consecutive frontside ollies on a halfpipe miniramp!

  1. I can’t believe the old record was only 46. Is there any qualifier for these ollies as far as above or below the coping? Is that all in one run? Holy cow.

    “Keith Baldassare Grinds Into Record Books” – ugh!

  2. nweyesk8 on October 19, 2008 - Reply

    what’s the record for consecutive frontside airs? I know some in our skate community could go for that one.

  3. now i know what a college skateboard team can do ! BREAK RECORDS !

  4. I read about this last month, it’s all in one run. That’s a lot of stamina, even if you don’t go over the coping.

    Only kids could pull this one, kids dosing on PCP.

    Old record was Rob Dyrdek on the Rob & Big Show, 46 ollies in a row is still pretty impressive for men our age.

  5. colin walsh rules on October 19, 2008 - Reply

    take the L out of his last name…. heh heh….

  6. Keith is a little ripper…He shreds any terrain
    He did those ollies one after another,without missing a beat…no filler fakies or setup kickturns…It took about 15minutes in total!
    Oh and most of them were at the coping or above..
    The record will be hard to beat…

  7. zed-word on October 19, 2008 - Reply

    OK colin walsh, real mature. You know you never cease to amaze… Oh wait! That is pretty funny there. Hahaha. Nice.

    Why did they use a photo of what looks like a frontside rock for a ollie record breaker story? Anyone know?

  8. zed, showing that the kid has more than one trick in his arsenal?

  9. zed-word on October 19, 2008 - Reply

    Good call, I just thought it might be a little more ftting to have the record-breaking 46th ollie with the Channel 13 news crew going apeshit in the background.

  10. I had to look for photos of the kid, the website said there was video but it Central Florida digital cable channel 313 not web video.

    I used to try to do long rides and consecutive tricks on the old Beaverton half-pipe. 50 walls was a lot. Then again, I can go 100 walls on the miniramp and 25 walls at Pier Park about kills me. 300 walls is hard to imagine.

  11. If I tried to do that many ollies my name would be Baldassare too!
    Sorry kids.

  12. Slitburn on October 20, 2008 - Reply

    I saw a consecutive ollie contest in about 1987(?) at the Raging Waters vert ramp in SJ. The most was in the range of 20 or so until Eric Nash did 69 consecutive backside ollies, each one the same about 6 inches above coping. Then Christian. He did 71, each one different and at least a foot out (fs, bs, over channel, upstream, downstream, over hip, alley-oop you name it). Sick.

  13. The link returns a list of players. I found the ollie on the second one that ends with “sports”. It comes up with a motorcycle story but the third thumbnail is the consecutive ollie video. He did it on his backyard miniramp.


  14. zed-word on October 21, 2008 - Reply

    Arigato gozaimasu, conahan. Thanks for the video!

  15. Sorry about that Marc, sketchy hometown newspaper type links…

  16. Dylan aubry on November 8, 2010 - Reply

    I just got back from doing 334 consecutive frontside ollies at coping so im coming for that record. but that is insane! Im trying to make the video of me doing more.

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