30 vector illustrated skateboards
Vectortuts has a gallery of vector-illustrated skate decks. You make vector graphics with programs like Adobe Illustrator. Vector illustrations are scalable, – that is, you can make them bigger or smaller without degrading line quality. So, if you need to use an illustration in a bunch of different sizes and shapes, vector is a good way to go. They scratch up just as easily on the bottom of a deck, though.
A better look at those designs after the turn. The Vector tuts site has a great list of skateboard graphics resources too.
Here’s a better view, check out Vectortuts for much more.
Spanish illustrator Emil Kozak.
Andrew Groves of IMAKETHINGS for Foundation Skateboards
Designer, Illustrator and Street Artist Bluecocoa
Brett Wilkinson for Carrot Skateboards.
cool stuff.