Paul Fujita Day
Aw what the hell, it’s Paul Fujita day today. When he’s not working at Cal Skate or running the Zeitgeist Gallery, he’s appearing in Portland Monthly Magazine or on Fuel TV. Aside from making art and being a newish father and a husband, I suppose he might even find time to skate.
[Photo: Bottom left – PORT. Right – Portland Monthly ]
Here’s a short segment on Fuel TV with Paul talking about his art. [SOURCE: EPM]
Here’s Paul again representing Cal Skate as it was named “Best Skate Shop” in the August 2008 issue. Click to enlarge.
Also check out:
“An afternoon with Paul Fujita of Zeitgeist Gallery” from PORT – PortlandArt.net
Portland’s public transportation system, Trimet, has an installation of Paul’s art. Trimet.org.
Paul’s Monday Cover on EPM.
Pauls show a the Ayden Gallery.
Nice ad there Coldwar dudes…Cals rules and Paul too.
im riding that board and its the sickness!
it’s a shame that they don’t mention Cold War by name though.
Yeah, win some, lose some. Transworld Business intervierwed him a few years back and misquoted him talking about local companies like “Pop War” … or soemthing, all I remember is they screwed it up, I told them , and of course they never printed a retraction. And it’s not like your average Portland Monthly readers are our target audience.
Paul always does right by us.
Paul has paved the way for many a skateboarding artist, he also helped pave the way for a lot of art at Burnside, & local art shows involving skateboarders for over 14 years in Portland. Plus he Really rips the B-Side and everything he rides for many many years!. I Remember when he used to let some of the homies skate the old City Skate indoor park. Mad Skill & Mad Skatebaord Art Movement making & Mad Heart, make Paul a Great guy that is a Talented MadMan Skateboarding Artist!! An inspiration to us all.
Gnar.. Yaarrrrh!
That’s the guy who helped me pick out the first set of wheels I’ve bought since the 80s!