Throwing Fitz in Vancouver
Holy cow, it’s street coverage in Skate and Annoy… sort of. It’s still at a skate spot, and it’s still on tranny, but so what. Pete Lewis sent in a sequence of Fitz (of Rage!) doing a blunt slide at Tenny Creek, one of Vancouver Washington’s neighborhood skate spots. I’ve been sort of hassling him to become a contributor, but he’s a busy man or otherwise uninterested, so this is better than nothing. Why isn’t he riding his pro model? Static and animated version after the jump.
Click to enlarge… YOUR MIND man…
Here’s the animated sequence.

Holy lost weight batman
That’s not a front rock on vert.
Sick Fitz!
That’s rad. Somebody make that man a signature deck. Something with a log truck sporting a gotee.
i think you meant, “somebody do another run of those bro models.”
You should’ve seen the longer one to fakie, the one Welsh missed…
It is not cool to comment on your own coverage, man.
That’s me?
We’ve created a monster…again.
nice sequence Fitz and Pete.
Fits has never been afraid of “the claim”
yeah Fitz – self-props are only given by vert jocks at Xgames
Wait ’till I get my last name inked across my back, and start shaving my body.
Make with the trick tip, Fitz.
Ha! Seriously, I’m with Fitz. What is with people getting their own names tattooed on their bodies? Is it in case you forget? It probably has some deep tribal meaning that goes back 1000 years or whatever. Meanwhile in the comfort of my own ignorance I’m scratching my head at why tattooing your own name – in the obligatory Old English typeface – is an attractive piece of ink.
Actually, fuck it. I’m going to start a new trend and tattoo somebody else’s name across my back: “Sheckler.” Or I could just cut to the chase and go with “Right Guard.”
I just wear a belt buckle with my name.. But if I get too drunk, (or hit my head skateboarding) and lose my belt, only then could I forget my name. Hence reason for tattoo with name..! Plus you dont have to introduce yourself.. Read the stomach bra..
Why tattoo your stomach when you can tag the skatepark? I prefer the classic dripping penis.
im still laughing at the shaving part. Dont do it man!!
Hey Tom, how about “Adams”
You don’t like “Right Guard?” Like Sheckler says, don’t be a hater.
doesn’t grover have the slayer tattoo with his name? i think that one is rad. sheckler’s is just homoerotic.
I really wanted a reason to post this image here… if it will…