More Modern (suburban) Detroit
You’ve seen it under construction, and now here’s the newly/nearly finished Modern Skate & Surf skatepark in suburban Detroit (Royal Oak), Michigan. Now you may ask yourself, where is my beautiful house? Does Skate and Annoy have some sort of unholy arrangement with Team Pain? The answer is no, it’s just that Tito is kind enough keep us supplied.
Look at all that virgin birch. (?) I can smell it now. Sure would be nice to break that bowl in.
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sweet jesus that looks like fun
The state of the ramp art is fairly advanced. How do they do that?
Looks sweet, but what’s with the huge roll in? Seems like a missed opportunity for a nice hip. Perhaps I’m just bitter that I’d never be able to make the gap that it creates.
Wow. That’s gorgeous. They should build shit like that for a living.
it would be even sweeter with some vert somewhere
That is art.
Can they hook up some video?
goddamn thats beautiful!
Never thought I’d ever want to go back to D-town until now.
The guy who owns this shop is a true success story he started out selling hot dogs. I bought my first deck from him I had to order it out of a catalog,and it about two weeks. If I could only get him to carry our stuff. We sponsor the only the only michigan legend DAVID SCOTT CAMPBELL “Citizen Operative”. If you have skayted with him you know.
Injured Pigeon: You must be from Coldwar! I’ve had the pleasure to skate with Skater Dave several, well, not enough times! He rips Mason like no other!!
Apparently my roomate’s ex-wife lives like two blocks away and I’m invited to stay at her house and skate it! Haven’t got around to it yet, though! Has anybody heard if the Simplicity ramp got moved there? Rumors are going around like crazy up here in Bay City!!
i went in here to check it out
and srsly its perfect
cant wait to skate ittt
60,000 SQ’ FT man what great accomplishment to have created this for us, its looks like such a bad ass park that is quality made with, good plans, good material, and good carpenters! Its people like you that help the skateboard community get the respect it needs and get more people involved in their community’s. I just would like to say thanks for all handwork you guys that were involved in bring this dream in to reality for us. By letting us have a spot to shred… looking towards hitting up a session so get that damn park done!!! GO SKATE