SOTW 7-28-08: Burnside Renovation 2003
This week’s Shot of the Week is Burnside under renovation circa 2003. Not much else to say. Check it out.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on July 28th, 2008
Categories: Shot of the Week, Skate
This week’s Shot of the Week is Burnside under renovation circa 2003. Not much else to say. Check it out.
i was half asleep at 5:30 this morning and i clicked on fuel tv. there was this shoew “firsthand” about some bmx kid. they showed a clip of them going to portland, and burnside. it was funny cuz the guy said something like “everyone knows this a skateboard park, but we got there early and had a session, but then some skaters showed uo so we left”. thought that was funny.
Back in the Bolg-o-sphere Bi–h!
I have some photos of this also!!
I really am really buzy so this was my couple months of bloggin catch up.!
Did you hear about the Tour De 206..I got a flyer .. Last contest was postphoned and is at Ballard on this Sunday.!
See you in a couple months! Or live at Trifecta afterparty & Doo doo Tour CHAOS lol
lived round there at the time and helped out. lots of wheelbarrowing. took couple old pieces of punk wall and put them in odd concrete skate obstacles built since then all over the place. spreading the disease.