Skate to the Top with Paragon Salad
Lewis Brundige aka Iowask8er sent in this video that is half music vid, half skate vid, and err… another half home movie. The band is Paragon Salad, and the song is called Skate to the Top. I’m not into metal, so in that respect I’m a little out of step with most of the musical tastes of the Northwest rippers out here, but I think you’ll be surprised by the music. I’m humming it right now. I couldn’t find any info anywhere on the band, beside the fact that a guy named Dave Miller is/was in it. [Update: Dave Miller was the guitarist, that was his old band. This is his new band.] The whole thing looks like it was shot and edited underwater, but it’s worth it if you make sure to stick around for “the end.” There’s something for almost everyone here. – Thanks to Lewis for the tip.
Skate to the Top with Paragon Salad