Miami skatepark open forum
No, this is not just an excuse to see how many classic post punk album covers I can (in this case, poorly) Photoshop that yellow skateboard into. There’s a community meeting for Miami Beach residents about renovating and enhancing some public facilities. One thing on the agenda is a “new cultural multi-purpose skate plaza.” No thanks, I prefer my skate plazas to be culture-free. Based on the wording, it’s not evident that they know what they are talking about. Miami skaters should go to the meeting on Tuesday, July 22nd at 6pm in the Miami Beach Botanical Garden “Butterfly Room” on 2000 Convention Center drive. Flyer after the jump.
– Thanks to Seth Levy for the tip.
Jeffrey Lee, R.I.P.
“I prefer my skate plazas to be culture-free.”
Stick to Oregon and you should be in no danger.
I could never take seriously an announcement with such poor letter spacing.
“I could never take seriously an announcement with such poor letter spacing.”
What letter spacing? With that background I can’t even make out any lettering at all!
Great fucking album- but Fire of Love was the one that I played the most…That book “Go Tell the Mountain” was a good one too.
Ranking Jeffrey Lee
Fire of Love was seminal, absolutely amazing. Still is. Miami is great, and everything after that got worse, album by album.
Did you know that Jeffrey Lee wrote the title track on the 1st Circle Jerks album?
“Did you know that Jeffrey Lee wrote the title track on the 1st Circle Jerks album?”
No I didn’t Neil. Why don’t you tell us more about it?
again, if you hate it here, and don’t find anything here interesting, why don’t you leave and go somewhere where a man of your “positive” outlook would be welcomed with open arms?
Your defensive whining reeks of low self-esteem, although in your case it appears to be well justified!
you hate the people that post here, and you hate and complain about what we post about. So again, why do you keep coming back? What exactly is your agenda? Have you ever said anything positive in your life? Are you a miserable tossbag in real life too, or is this all a toughguy act?
Multi-purpose? I think they should build a combination skate-plaza/dog park.
they have a dog/skate thing in scotts valley ca. tim brauch memorial park is right next to a enclosed dog park.
“What exactly is your agenda?”
Agenda? AGENDA? I don’ need no steenking agenda!!!
What is exactly the matter with you anyway? I’ve seen you go off the deep end before at other posters who said something you didn’t like. What you post is entirely devoid of any hint of a sense of humor. Entirely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you crack a joke, not even once.
You seem to be on here to post about collecting boards from the mid-1980’s and you are only interested in the graphics at that. Plus to one up everyone else with your detailed knowledge about punk rock which you use to beat up on anyone else (not me) who has an even slightly differing opinion or recollection about some concert or other back whenever.
You must have a pretty miserable existence as an adult now based on the way you absolutely obsess over your adolescent memories. Lighten up! It’s only skateboarding…
The skatepark/dogpark is in effect- at Gabriel park…
Neil rules, EC drools…
oh yeah, and we’re talking about the Gun Club- so leave us the fuck alone EC. One of the lame things about the internet is that we have to tolerate you and your passive aggressive smiley faces being part of our scene- you would not be hanging with us otherwise, not then and not now, but I suspect that you would want to be…
Gun Club? Who the fuck are you kidding?
I love the Gun Club. R.I.P. Kid Congo Powers too… O h wait, he’s still alive.
Funny thing is, EC might actually dig the Gun Club, since he’s into roots rock.
Yeah. I’ll have to check that band out then.
Well if “Preachin’ the Blues” is a Robert Johnson song you certainly can’t tell by the way that Gun Club does it!
God, I hate punk rock.
Well if they didn’t make it their own, it would be just another bland cover. Might as well listen to Bob Seger. Or Elvis Presley… Oh wait, he sang a bunch of covers too.
Elvis’ first hit “That’s All Right”(Mama) from 1954 is an exact, and I mean exact, band and all, note for note cover of Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup’s 1946 arrangement on the original recording.
Boy oh boy, again you are at this. If you don’t like eBaywatch and don’t like reading about graphics etc, then why do you keep on reading it? You must enjoy tormenting yourself.
And if you don’t find humor in any of the stuff I write, then you are the only one. As usual.
you know what man, forget it. Maybe you’re trying to be funny and the whole thing isn’t coming through on the internet. Nuances can get lost sometimes with the written word.
AS for the cover discussion, I always thought a cover version should be different than the original, otherwise what’s the point? Keep the spirit of the original, but make it your own, make it relevant.
“I always thought a cover version should be different than the original, otherwise what
“If you don