Handstandman on Letterman
Friend of the site Brad the Handstandman was on The Late Show with David Letterman on July 18th. Can we call him a friend of the site? Sure, why not, after all the heckling, veiled threats and assorted rigmarole. The original Handstandman post is almost in the top five of the most commented posts. Such lively discussion is usually reserved for Airspeed, Benji Galloway and Wormhoudt in San Jose. I can’t help but feel that a true friend of the site would have given us the heads up before he was on national television. You can still watch it on Late Show highlights. Just head on over to Dave’s site and click on the video link for “”Late Show” Rewind: Week of July 14-18, 2008.” Handstandman is about halfway into the clip – after Ricky Gervais and before Rosie Perez. The video player is a little buggy, and you have to sit through a short commercial. SnA comment army, please remember, we’ve been through all the name calling already.
wow, a steadham reissue.
the first attempt was a fail and the second he ran halfway down the block before getting into the handstand. anyway, im sure jay adams could do a longer one but the swastika tattoo might not fit letterman’s image.
Handstand loop!Handstand loop!Handstand loop!
Our own Cretin Steve is older and fatter, and can still do a handstand steady as a rock… who is Brad? Oh wait, I don’t care.
Dude was on Letterman… I don’t care if it was for picking his nose… DUDE WAS ON LETTERMAN. Do ya think the Steadham offering on ebay will go up in price? ha!
Sorry, I missed the first go-around… Why do stupid gimmicks always get more attention than the legitimate skills? (not suggesting handstand man doesn’t have skills, i’m just saying)
Seriously handstandman, whats up with the drunk session?
Hows that work? You like to party upside down?
Ever bump white lines off your grip on signal hill at 40 mph, upside down? Now thats livin! You can purchase my dvd of that for $29.95 on http//www.yourmomsdirtydeathbox.com
not a bad idea, we should have helped old brad out and bought at least one copy of his DVD, even if for no other reason than to rip it and post it for the rest of the world to see, free of charge.
there was another skate stunt on Letterman a while back,
some guy ollie onto the roof of oncoming truck and ollies off. The truck was moving pretty slow and had a jump ramp attached to the front…
That’ sounds vaguely familiar…. I’d like to see that. Probably had big old fat soft wheels for that.
easy way to see the video–
google “david letterman brad the skateboarder”
pulls it up on you tube.
free video of my crash–
handstandman bites it big time.
also on you tube.
I am the “Fake Handstandman” and I totally thought S&N made the “Original Handstandman”character up. No offense HM, but you need some more tricks.
Signal Hill is no joke. It’s much steeper than it looks on video.
I bombed that hill on my hide a bed, sliding down on just the plastic feet of the couch. I also did it on my kids Kettcar, but I don’t have any posters to sell at this moment. Anyway, here is some classic footage of Signal Hill from the seventies.
man, I got to say, handstandman got balls…
thanks hc, it did take balls to try to bomb Hill Street without a helmet. I was in and out of the hospital for a year because my knee cap was separated from my shin bone (severely torn patella tendon–completely separated) and I got the nasty staph infection after the first surgery, so I had to have three more surgeries and tons of antibiotics to save my leg from amputation. broken wrist and nasty head concussion as well.
hi Guys,
my website is in process of being built totally new. no more white Adidas sweat pants!! I have just contacted Guinness book of world records and hope to set the world record for distance and possibly for speed as well. not sure if the venue will be Seattle area or So Cal. takes about 4 to 5 weeks apparently to hear back from Guinness.
take care,
Brad Hauser, aka HandStand Man!!!
Congratulations to Danny Cisneros of Colorado. He just set two new Guiness Records (unofficial at this time, but should be official by next year). He did 35.2 mph in a handstand on his skateboard (no I don’t want to try to beat that) and he did .8 of a mile (yes I think I can beat that maybe with the right set up and right stretch)maybe, as I’m getting way too old for this.